Chapter 10 Annex S

Meat Import Worksheet

This worksheet, for Canadian Food Inspection Agency import inspectors, is to record results of an imported shipment of meat. At the top is the Canadian Food Inspection Agency Wordmark and it presents the following fields to fill in:

  1. Multi Commodity Activity Program number
  2. Official Meat Import Certificate number
  3. Weight in kilograms
  4. Date inspected
  5. Subsample number, under which are 24 blank fields for which Defects (Minor, Major or Critical) must be selected and Comments are recorded
  6. Total number of defects for each category (Minor, Major or Critical) and Comments are recorded
  7. Accept
  8. Resample
  9. Reject
  10. Inspector's name

The name of the form is "Forms-MI Worksheet_v2.wpd March 18, 2004".