Application requires the following information:

2.1 The operator has developed, implemented and maintained written procedures to ensure all beef products identified as eligible for export to Japan meet all Japanese requirements. checkbox Yes checkbox No

2.1.2 Indicate with a check mark that each of the following elements are present for the written procedures:

( Does not have to be a CCP but, to be auditable, the program must include these elements. Can be a Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) referenced to the CCP on dentition/aging )

checkbox Specified limits checkbox Monitoring checkbox Deviation Procedures checkbox Verification checkbox Records

2.2 The written procedures identify the following:

2.2.1 Determination of the age of cattle by a method acceptable to the CFIA.1 checkbox Yes checkbox No

2.2.2 From the point where age is determined, distinguishing cattle determined to be 20 months of age or less and/or the carcasses, offal and other parts of carcasses derived from such cattle. checkbox Yes checkbox No

2.2.3 Application of a mark or device to clearly identify the carcass sides of animals 20 months of age or less. checkbox Yes checkbox No

2.2.4 Hygienic removal of the head, excluding tongue and cheek meat. checkbox Yes checkbox No

2.2.5 Hygienic removal of the palatine tonsils during head preparation. checkbox Yes checkbox No

2.2.6 Hygienic removal of the lingual tonsils during tongue harvesting. checkbox Yes checkbox No

2.2.7 Hygienic removal of the spinal cord and dura mater during dressing. checkbox Yes checkbox No

2.2.8 Hygienic removal of the distal ileum during dressing. checkbox Yes checkbox No

2.2.9 Hygienic removal of the vertebral column including the dorsal root ganglia during cutting. checkbox Yes checkbox No

2.2.10 Eligible carcasses and offal segregated temporarily or by space from other carcasses, parts thereof and offal. checkbox Yes checkbox No

2.2.11 Eligible carcasses are cut / deboned in distinct lots. Any product with the potential to be exported to Japan is processed in compliance with Japan's requirements. checkbox Yes checkbox No

2.2.12 Boxes containing eligible meat or offal are labelled in a manner that will easily distinguish them from boxes containing meat or offal derived from other cattle. checkbox Yes checkbox No

2.3 Production records for products of Canadian origin are kept for 2 years. checkbox Yes checkbox No
