Application requires the following information:

4.1 The procedures developed by the operator are reviewed and accepted by the VIC/IIC. checkbox Yes checkbox No

4.2 Copy of completed Annex G application is maintained on file. checkbox Yes checkbox No

4.3 As applicable, CFIA inspection staff in establishments verify for each lot of production the accuracy and/or effectiveness of operator implementation of the following requirements:

4.3.1 Determination of age (based on CCIA or ATQ data). checkbox Yes checkbox No

4.3.2 Identification of eligible carcasses, offal and other parts. checkbox Yes checkbox No

4.3.3 Removal of ineligible tissues and related hygienic procedures. checkbox Yes checkbox No

4.3.4 Distinguishing carcasses, offal and other parts. checkbox Yes checkbox No

4.3.5 Labelling. checkbox Yes checkbox No

4.3.6 Sanitation program (as per routine CFIA inspection activities). checkbox Yes checkbox No
