Flow chart of application to return a shipment exported from Canada

Document review and processing at the Import Service Centre, Area Meat Programs Manager or Area Meat Programs Import Coordinator

Documents to be submitted to the Import Service Centre by the applicant for initial documentation processing.

Document review and processing

If all documents are not available, do not proceed, contact the applicant to provide all the necessary documents, if not available then forward all received documents to the Area Meat Programs Manager or Area Meat Programs Import Coordinator of the destination who will review the request and establish the conditions applicable to the return of the product.

If all documents are present continue.

Annex J: Ensure that all fields of Part 1 are appropriately completed by comparing the information on the annex with the information found on the other documents. The name of the applicant in Part 1 of the Annex J must be the Canadian exporter on the attached Canadian Food Inspection Agency form 4546 accompanying the return application. If the name of the applicant is different than the Canadian exporter, it is not considered a Canadian shipment returning but is considered as an imported product. In this case, please refer to the procedures for imported products in Chapter 10 of the Meat Hygiene Manual, Section 10.3.

Annex J: Print and sign your name, title and date of acceptance in PART 2 of the annex.

If a copy of the Food Safety and Inspection Services form 9135-3 accompanies the request to return the product, DO NOT input information into the Import Control and Tracking System and do not generate a handwritten invoice. The Food Safety and Inspection Services form 9135-3 is on an official letterhead issued by a United States Department of Agriculture official veterinarian with a statement that certifies that: "The product originated in Canada. The product has been under United States Department of Agriculture control for the duration of its stay in the United States".

Document distribution by the Import Service Centre or Area Meat Import Coordinator:

Document review and processing at the Import Service Centre

Documents submitted to the Import Service Centre by the applicant for initial documentation processing must be forwarded to the Area Meat Programs Manager or Area Meat Programs Import Coordinator office for review and processing. Do not process requests for meat products returning from country other than the United States of America. These requests are to be submitted directly to the Area Meat Programs Manager or Area Meat Programs Import Coordinator by the applicant.

The Area Meat Programs Manager or Area Meat Programs Import Coordinator will notify the appropriate Import Service Centre (port of landing) of the import conditions once the review has been completed.

Review process at arrival (port of landing) of meat products returning from the United States of America

Document review and processing at the Import Service Centre of port of landing.

Documents to be delivered to the Import Service Centre by the broker/importer for import documentation processing.

If all documents are not present - do not proceed, contact broker/importer to provide all the necessary documents.

If all documents are present then proceed.

Compare the quantities and commodity description listed on the certificate with the manifest or cargo document and the signed Annex J received from the authorizing primary contact or Area Meat Programs Manager representative or Area Meat Programs Import Coordinator who evaluated the initial document review.

If any of the above verifications show a non-compliance, contact the Area Meat Programs Manager or Area Meat Programs Import Coordinator for instructions.

If the above verification shows compliance, stamp the cover sheet. Do not input information into the Import Control & Tracking System. Do not generate an invoice.