Plum Pox Virus Infested Places Order, 2008 - Map 3

This image is a map that shows the Town of Pelham Plum Pox Virus Quarantine Area (part of the Niagara Plum Pox Virus Quarantine Area). The quarantine area includes:

Commencing at a point of intersection of the municipal boundary line between the Town of Lincoln and the Town of Pelham and Twenty Road;

Thence proceeding southwestwardly along the south side of Twenty Road to Maple Street;

Thence proceeding southwardly along the east side of Maple Street to Sawmill Road;

Thence proceeding eastwardly along the north side of Sawmill Road to Center Street;

Thence proceeding northwardly along the west side of the Center Street to municipal boundary line between the Town of Lincoln and the Town of Pelham;

Thence proceeding westwardly along the municipal boundary line between the Town of Lincoln and the Town of Pelham to the point of commencement.