Potential Financial Impact of Eriochloa villosa on Annual Corn Crop Revenues in Canada (overall)

This graph illustrates the potential increase in production costs ($ million/year) for corn due to additional herbicide application for controlling severe infestations of Eriochloa villosa in Canada. The increase in production costs would increase linearly with the percentage of corn crops severely affected by Eriochloa villosa in Canada. The increase in production costs would be of $20 million/year when 20% of the conventional corn crops in Canada are severely affected by Eriochloa villosa and ends up close to $100 million/year when 100% are affected. The increase in production costs would be of around $18 million/year when 20% of the glyphosate-tolerant corn crops in Canada are affected and ends up around $73 million/year when 100% are affected.