Exhibit 1 - The Legislative Framework for the Federally Registered and Non-Federally Registered Food Sectors

In this diagram there are two boxes that illustrate The Legislative Framework for the Federally Registered and Non-Federally Registered Food Sectors

Box 1: Federally Registered Sector contains three encircled elements:

The first circle includes the Meat inspection Act and the Meat Inspection Regulations

The second circle includes the Fish Inspection Act and the Fish Inspection Regulations

The third circle includes the Canada Agricultural Products Act with the subcategories as follows: Dairy Regulations, Egg Regulations, Fresh Fruit Regulations, Honey Regulations, Maple Regulations, Processed Egg Regulations and Processed Product Regulations.

Box 2: All Food Federally Registered and Non-Registered Sectors contains two encircled elements.
The first circle includes the Food and Drugs Act and the Food and Drugs Regulations

The second circle includes the Consumer Packaging and Labelling Act and the Consumer Packaging and Labelling Regulations.