
Diagram - Handy guide to determining the age of cattle by the teeth:

At birth to 1 month: Two or more of the temporary incisor teeth present. Within first month, entire 8 temporary incisors appear.

2 years: As a long-yearling, the central pair of temporary incisor teeth or pinchers is replaced by the permanent pinchers. At 2 years, the central permanent incisors attain full development.

21/2 years: Permanent first intermediates, one on each side of the pinchers, are cut. Usually these are folly developed at 3 years.

31/2 years: The second intermediates or laterals are cut. They are on a level with the first intermediates and begin to wear at 4 years.

41/2 years: The corner teeth are replaced. At 5 years the animal usually has the full complement of incisors with the corners fully developed.