This image shows an high temperature, short-time System with Magnetic Flow
Meter Using a Constant Speed Centrifugal Pump and a Control Valve.
- Staring with raw milk coming in through the Raw In and into the Constant
Level Tank, the material goes into the Booster Pump, past the Booster Pressure
Differential Switch, through the Regenerator, and through the Separator Feed
Pump. It passes through clean in-place-Type Separation and then goes one of two
ways. One way is to go through the Cream Return Valve and to exit through the
Raw Cream out.
- The second route is for the material to go through the Skim Back Pressure
Valve, the Separator By-Pass Valve, and the Centrifugal Timing Pump. It then
goes through the Magnetic Flow Meter, which consists of a Pneumatic Transducer,
a Flow Rate Recorder, and a Flow Alarm. From there, it flows through the Flow
Control Valve, through the Heather, the Flow Transmitter and the Holding Tube.
It then flows past the Safety Thermal Limit Recorder, through the Flow
Diversion Device and from here it can go one of two ways. It can either flow
through the Regenerator. From here, material either goes through the Vacuum
Breaker, or through the Back Pressure Controller and Valve and out the
Pasteurized Out. Material can also flow through the Recycle Line to the
Constant Level Tank.
- The other route from the Flow Diversion Device is for material to flow
through the Divert Line and into the Constant Level Tank.