Descriptions of Graphic Images
Diagram of Meat Cuts - Skeletal Diagram of Pork
This diagram shows the skeletal diagram of pork. It consists of:
- Tail Bones
- Sacrum
- Back Bones (lumbar vertebrae 1 to
- Back Bones (thoracic vertebrae 1 to
- Neck Bones (cervical vertebrae 1
- Atlas (1st cervical vertebra)
- Ear Dip
- Neck of Blade Bone
- Blade Bone (scapula)
- Wrist Joint (carpus)
- Foreshank Bones (radius)
- Arm Bone (humerus)
- Breast Bone (sternum)
- Rib Cartilage (costal cartilage)
- Pin Bone (ilium)
- Narrow Part of Hip Bone (shaft of ilium)
- Knuckle Bone (head of femur/acetabulum)
- Leg Bone (femur)
- Aitch Bone (ischium)
- Knee Cap (patella)
- Stifle Joint (tibio-femoral
- Hind Shank Bones (tibia)
- Tarsal Joint