Chapter 10 - Annex C-1

Official Meat Inspection Certificate Form (for all countries other than USA)

This document is a bilingual form with 19 fields to fill out.


1. Exporter

2. Importer

3. Certificate Number

Country Name, Country Crest/Seal, Name of Competent Authority for Meat Inspection System.


4. Slaughtered at (Establishment Number, Name and Country)

5. Carrier

6. Port of Loading

7. Date of departure

8. Processed at (Establishment No., Name and country)

9. Port of Landing

10. Exporting Establishment No.

11. Shipping Marks

12. No. And Kind of Packages/nombre et nature des colis

13. Description of meat Products and Label Reg. No. (if applicable)

14. Net Weightcheckbox lb or checkbox kg

15. Container number

16. Seal No.(s)

17. Additional Certification (if requested)

18. I hereby certify that the meat products specified above have been prepared in an establishment certified for export to Canada and are derived from animals that have been examined and found, by antemortem and postmortem inspection at the time of slaughter, to be free from disease and that meat products are suitable in every way for human consumption and are otherwise in compliance with requirements at least equal to those in the Canadian Meat Inspection Act and Regulations.

19. Official Stamp

This day of 20

Signature of The Official Veterinarian

Printed Name