Chapter 10 - Annex J-2

Notice of Removal of Imported Meat Products Refused Entry (Canadian Food Inspection Agency/Agence Canadienne d'Inspection des Aliments 4320)

This form, Notice of Removal of Imported Meat Products Refused Entry, is provided by the Canadian Food Inspection Agency.

The information you provide on this document is collected by the Canadian Food Inspection Agency under the authority of the Meat Inspection Act for the purpose of controlling the removal from Canada of imported meat products refused entry. Some information may be accessible or protected as required under the provisions of the Access to Information Act. Information that could cause you or your organization injury if released is protected from disclosure as defined in section 20 of the Access to Information Act.

Section 1 - Product Description has nine fields to fill out:

1. Product description
2. Number and kind of packages
3. Weight
4. Country and establishment of origin
5. Certificate Number
6. Multi Commodity Activities Program Import Inspection Report Control Number
7. Refused at establishment (name and number)
8. Date
9. Reason for refusal

Section 2 - Destination has nine fields to fill out:

10. Destination
11. Canadian Food Inspection Agency Seal Number
12. Carrier
13. Method of transport
14. Container or vehicle number
15. Importer name
16. Port of exit
17. Exit date and Approximate time
18. CFIA Inspector's Name and Signature
19. Name and signature of Importer or Representative

Section 3 - Proof of Exit (To be completed at the Port of Exit) has four fields to fill out:

20. Port of exit
21. Date and time
22. Canadian Food Inspection Agency Inspector's signature
23. Printed name