Defect Detection Standards Decision Tree

Step 1: Process Evaluation

With Process Evaluation under Normal Control Sampling, done every hour for 32 or 125 sample units, there are two possibilities:

  1. Accepted Sample, which leads to Continue Process Evaluation under Normal Control Sampling, which returns you to the beginning of the Process Evaluation.
  2. Rejected Sample: Advise the Canadian Food Inspection Agency (if Septicaemia/toxaemia are suspected by the Veterinarian in Charge, implementation of corrective measures for specific defect group, which leads to the second step, Corrective Measure Evaluation and go to the third step, Postchill Product Evaluation), which can lead to:
    1. Continue Process Evaluation under Normal Control Sampling, which returns you to the beginning, or
    2. Implementation of corrective measures for specific defect group, which leads to the second step, Corrective Measure Evaluation

Step 2: Corrective Measure Evaluation

With Corrective Measure Evaluation for a specific defective defect group, within 10 minutes (the approximate delay required in order to evaluate the effect of the corrective measures at the Defect Detection Standards station) and 32 or 125 sample units, there are two possibilities:

  1. Accepted Sample: After two (2) consecutive accepted samples, stop corrective measure(s) evaluation. Return to Process Evaluation and increase to normal line speed. An evaluation must be performed once the line speed is back to normal. (If applicable, carcasses entering the chilling process are identified to mark the end of additional sampling after chilling.) or
  2. Rejected Sample (see Nota Bene after step 3): Immediate 10% line speed reduction and the affected lot must be verified at the post chill station, which leads to the third step, Postchill Product Verification or there is an implementation of corrective measures for a specific defect group, which returns you to Corrective Measure Evaluation

Step 3: Postchill Product Verification

With Postchill Product Verification for a specific defective defect group and applies on entire affected lot (Every 15 minutes for 32 sample units), which can lead to:

  1. Accepted Sample: Stop post-chill verification when corrective measure(s) evaluation is accepted, resulting in identified product reaching the post-chill verification station and the subsequent post chill verification test is passed; or
  2. Rejected Sample: Start post-chill product segregation on subsequent carcasses until next accepted sample. Segregated product shall be reworked and retested using the same sample size.

Nota Bene: If five (5) consecutive samples are not accepted at Corrective Measure Evaluation:

Note: If Septicaemia / Toxaemia is found, see section

The Meat Inspection Regulations have precedence over this decision tree