Decision Tree for Retained Water Control Program

The Decision Tree for Retained Water Control Program starts with box #1, Normal Inspection (A test at normal inspection may be performed at any time as an additional assurance of process control and may be requested by the operator or the inspection staff.): stay in Normal Inspection unless box #2 or #5 applies. This has two possibilities:

  1. Box #2: Ten (10) consecutive sample groups (or lots) accepted under Normal Inspection. - Go to box #3
  2. Box #5: Two out of five consecutive sample groups not accepted: - Go to box #6

Box #3 Reduced Inspection (A test at normal inspection may be performed at any time as an additional assurance of process control and may be requested by the operator or the inspection staff.)
If the sample group is accepted, remain in box #3.
If 10 consecutive sample groups are accepted, decrease testing frequency to once per shift. If 10 more consecutive sample groups are accepted, decrease testing frequency to once per 5 consecutive production shifts. If 10 more consecutive sample groups are accepted, decrease the testing frequency to once per 20 consecutive production shifts.
If at any time two (2) consecutive samples are not accepted, go to box #4

Box #4 Acceptance Number exceeded:
Determine the probable cause, take immediate corrective action, and test the next available lot thereafter at Normal Inspection.
- Go to box #1

Box #6 Tightened Inspection
If the sample group is accepted, go to box #7.
If the sample group is rejected, go to box # 8.

Box #6 has two possibilities:

  1. Box #7 Group accepted:
    Continue on Tightened Inspection until five (5) consecutive sample groups are accepted on Tightened Inspection.
    If less than 5 consecutive sample groups are accepted, remain in tightened mode, go to box #6
    If five (5) consecutive sample groups are accepted, return to normal inspection, go to box #1
  2. Box #8 Sample group not accepted:
    Notify the Veterinarian in Charge
    Segregate the product back to the last lot which was accepted

The Meat Inspection Regulations have precedence over this decision tree