Appendix 4 - Operator's or Canadian Food Inspection Agency's procedure when Category 1 product(s) is tested for Listeria monocytogenes

This flow chart lists the steps to be followed when Category 1 product is tested for Listeria monocytogenes.

It is recommended to hold the product from the sampling day until the results are received.

If the product is negative for Listeria monocytogenes, it is released.

If the product is positive for Listeria monocytogenes, the hold-and-test procedure outlined in Appendix 7 on the current production as per Canadian Food Inspection Agency schedule is implemented immediately. The Canadian Food Inspection Agency issues a Corrective Action Request. The Operator must submit an acceptable action plan, including a risk management plan for the implicated product to the Canadian Food Inspection Agency. The Area Processing Specialist is contacted for Health Risk Assessment of the affected product.

Corrective actions taken by the operator include intensive sanitation and cleaning and review of the appropriate sections of Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point system.

If product tests positive for Listeria monocytogenes during the hold-and-test procedure, the hold-and-test procedure is restarted from the beginning after corrective actions (intensive sanitation and cleaning and review of appropriate sections of the Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point system) have been taken. Area Processing Specialist is contacted for Health Risk Assessment of the affected product.

If product is negative for Listeria monocytogenes during Hold-and-Test procedure, it can be released.