The Regulation of Plants with Novel Traits in Canada

This image is a flow chart showing the regulation of plants with novel traits in Canada.

At the top of the image is a box that says:

This box has three arrows coming from it. The arrow on the far left points toward a box that says:

The middle arrow leaves the top box and points to a box that says:

This box has two arrows coming from it. The arrow on the far left points toward the box that says:

The arrow on the right, and the remaining arrow from the box at the top of the flow chart, both point to a box that says:

This box has one arrow coming from it which points to the box that says:

Under this box is a paragraph that says:

When applicable, processes below may also be required prior to authorization for unconfined release and/or sale in Canada.

There are three boxes below this paragraph. The box on the left says:

Health Canada Novel Food assessment and authorization

The middle box says:

Canadian Food Inspection Agency Novel Feed assessment and authorization

The box on the right says:

Canadian Food Inspection Agency Variety Registration