Figure 3 - Suspected pathways of introduction for invasive alien plants in Canada
This figure shows the total number of invasive alien species with pathway information. Of the 245 invasive alien plant species for which there is
some information on the pathway of introduction, it is estimated that:
- 141 (or 58%) were introduced intentionally
- 33 as agricultural crop (food, fodder, fibre)
- 73 as ornamental or landscaping plant
- 15 for soil improvement erosion control, reclamation
- 15 for herbal or medicinal use
- 2 for research (escape from research stations, botanical gardens, arboreta, etc.)
- 3 for unknown purpose.
- 120 (49%) were introduced unintentionally
- 86 with plant products (contaminants in seed, forage, produce, wood products, garden supplies)
- 9 with livestock or other animals
- 9 in soil, sand, gravel (including ballast soil)
- 15 with freight, packing materials, machinery, equipment, etc.
- 1 through recreation/tourism (baggage, camping equipment, boats, etc.)
The total adds up to more than 245, and more than 100%, because some species are introduced by more than one pathway.