This flow chart consists of two processes. One entitled Application Process the other entitled Audit Process.
The fist box of the Application Process is called Facility applies: submits Manual. The chart points you to the Manual Review box. If you fail the Manual review you are re-directed to the Gaps Identified box, which returns to the start of the Application Process Facility Applies submits Manual box.
If you pass the Manual review component, you are then directed to the Facility Evaluation Audit box. If you fail the Facility Evaluation Audit you are however, re-directed to the Facility addresses audit failure box, which then returns you to the Facility Evaluation Audit component. Having passed the Facility Evaluation Audit you continue to the Facility Approved box.
Having passed the Facility Approved you are brought to the to the Audit Process of the flow-chart and directed to the Surveillance Audits, Systems Audits and the Cleanup Audits (non-regulated areas only) processes.
Depending on the outcome of the Surveillance Audits, Systems Audits and the Cleanup Audits (non-regulated areas only) processes, you are directed to either the Critical non-conformance box, which leads you to the Facility cancellation box, which in turn brings you to the start of the Application Process to Facility applies submits Manual box. Alternatively, if the outcome of the Surveillance Audits, Systems Audits and the Cleanup Audits (non-regulated areas only) processes was Major non-conformance, you are directed to the CAR implementation and approved within 10 days box, which leads to the Follow up Audit box. Which in turn leads you back to the Surveillance Audits, Systems Audits and the Cleanup Audits (non-regulated areas only) processes. However, if the outcome of the Surveillance Audits, Systems Audits and the Cleanup Audits (non-regulated areas only) processes was Minor non-conformance, you are brought to the CAR implemented and approved by next audit box, which also leads to the Follow up Audit box. Which in turn leads you back to the Surveillance Audits, Systems Audits and the Cleanup Audits (non-regulated areas only) processes.