Appendix 3: Export Certification Label and Interfacility Stamp Examples

The Export Certification Label is a rectangular sticker issued by the approved facility. It replaces the phytosanitary document normally required for the entry of the plants to the United States.

All the information on the Export Certification Label is present in both official languages. A small Canadian flag with the following heading is printed on the top left of the sticker:

"Government of Canada
Canadian Food Inspection Agency"

A serial number appears on the top right of the label and each facility approved under the program will be assigned a registration number that will be printed in the middle of the Export Certification Label. These two numbers make each export label unique.

The title "Greenhouse-grown Plants from Canada" is written in bold in the middle of the label and above the facility number.

The following statement appears under the facility number:
"This shipment of greenhouse grown plants meets the import requirements of the United States and is believed to be free from injurious plant pests. Issued by the Plant Protection Division, Canadian Food Inspection Agency".

The Interfacility stamp is used in place of a label when material is moved between two approved facilities.

All the information on the stamp is present in both official languages.

A small Canadian flag with the following heading is printed on the top of the stamp:

"Government of Canada
Canadian Food Inspection Agency"

The stamp also provides the registration number of the approved facility, under the fallowing text:

"Greenhouse Certification Program
Interfacility stamp"