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Arctic Exploration and the Search for the Northwest Passage in the First Half of the Nineteenth Century :

Arctic Exploration and The Search for the Northwest Passage
Parry & Ross Through Franklin's Last Voyage :
A Guide to Primary Sources Held at the National Library of Canada

Contemporary accounts of voyages by officers and crew; journals; correspondence; sketches; separately published reports (by date and expedition leader)

1806 De Fréminville Syrene
1812 Selkirk  
1818 Buchan Dorothea & Trent
1818 Ross & Parry Isabella & Alexander
1819-20 Parry & Liddon Hecla & Griper
1819-22 Franklin, Richardson, Back & Hood (overland)
1821-23 Parry & Lyon Fury & Hecla
1823-27 Duncan Dundee
1824-25 Parry & Hopner Hecla & Fury
1824 Lyon Griper
1825-27 Franklin, Richardson, Back, Kendall & Drummond (overland)
1825-28 Beechey Blossom
1827 Parry Hecla
1829-33 John Ross & James C. Ross Victory
1833-35 Back & King overland)
1836-37 Back Terror
1837-39 Dease & Simpson (overland)
1839 Penny Neptune
1840 Penny Bon Accord
1845-48 Franklin & Crozier Erebus & Terror

1806 De Fréminville

Fréminville, Christophe-Paulin de La Poix, chevalier de. Voyage to the North Pole in the frigate the Syrene. London : Printed for Sir Richard Phillips, 1819.
Casey I 1063

1812 Selkirk

M'Keevor, Thomas. A voyage to Hudson's Bay, during the summer of 1812 : containing a particular account of the icebergs and other phenomena which present themselves in those regions : also, a description of the Esquimeaux and North American Indians, their manners, customs, dress, language &c. &c. &c. London : Printed for R. Phillips, 1819.
F5959 M325 1819 Reserve
[Reprint] London : Printed for R. Phillips, 1819. 78 p. FC3961 .2 M35 1819 Reserve

1818 Buchan

Beechey, Frederick William. A voyage of discovery towards the North Pole : performed in His Majesty's ships Dorothea and Trent, under the command of Captain David Buchan, R.N., 1818 : to which is added a summary of all the early attempts to reach the Pacific by way of the Pole. London : R. Bentley, 1843.
FC3961 B44 Reserve

1818 Ross & Parry

Fisher, Alexander. Journal of a voyage of discovery, to the Arctic regions : performed between the 4th of April and the 18th of November, 1818, in His Majesty's ship Alexander, Wm. Edw. Parry, Esq. lieut. and commander. London : Printed for R. Phillips by G. Sidney, [1820]
FC3961 .2 F58 Reserve
-- 2nd ed. London : Printed for Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme, and Brown, 1821. FC3961 .2 F58 1821 Reserve
Purdy, John. Memoir, descriptive and explanatory, to accompany the general chart of the Northern Ocean, Davis' Strait, and Baffin's Bay : including the navigation from Great Britain and Ireland to Spitzbergen and the White Sea. London : Printed for Richard Holmes Laurie, 1820.
National Archives of Canada
--[Later ed.] London : Printed for R.H. Laurie, 1830. VK811 P8 Reserve

-- 9th ed., corr. and improved, from many original communications, by Alex. G. Findlay. London : Printed for R.H. Laurie, 1845. VK811 P8 1845 Reserve
Ross, John. A voyage of discovery, made under the orders of the Admiralty, in His Majesty's ships Isabella and Alexander, for the purpose of exploring Baffin's Bay, and inquiring into the probability of a north-west passage. London : J. Murray, 1819.
FC3961 .2 R6 1819a fol. Reserve
-- 2nd ed. London : Printed by Strahan and Spottiswoode, for Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme, and Brown, 1819. FC3961 .2 R6 1819b Reserve

-- [German translation] Entdeckungsreise unter den Befehlen der britischen Admiralität mit den königlichen Schiffen Isabella und Alexander um Baffins-Bay : auszuforschen und die Möglichkeit einer nordwestlichen Durchfahrt zu untersuchen. Wohlfeile Ausg., ohne Kupfer. Leipzig : F. Fleischer, 1820. B.C. Archives and Record Service, Victoria

-- [German translation for children] Entdeckungsreise des Capitain Ross nach den nordwestlichen Polargegenden : ein Buch zur Unterhaltung und Belehrung für alle Stände. Braunschweig : F. Vieweg, 1836. (Neueste Sammlung merkwürdiger Reisebeschreibungen für die Jugend ; 1.-2. Bd.) FC3961 .2 R62 1836 Reserve (v. 2 only)

-- [Dutch translation] Reizen naar Ysland en de Baffinsbaai, de laatste gedaan ter ontdekking van eene doorvaart ten noord-westen van Groenland, en den jare 1818. s'Gravenhage : W.K. Mandemaker, 1821. FC3961 .2 R615 1821 Reserve
Ross, John. An explanation of Captain Sabine's Remarks on the late voyage of discovery to Baffin's Bay. London : J. Murray, 1819.
FC3961 .2 R6 1819a Suppl.2 Reserve

Sabine, Edward. Remarks on the account of the late voyage of discovery to Baffin's Bay, published by Captain J. Ross, R.N. London : Printed by R. and A. Taylor for J. Booth, 1819.
FC3961 .2 R6 1819a Suppl.2 Reserve

--2nd ed. London : Printed by R. and A. Taylor for J. Booth, 1819.
FC3961 .2 R6 1819a Suppl.1 1819b Reserve

1819-20 Parry & Liddon

Fisher, Alexander. A journal of a voyage of discovery to the Arctic regions, in His Majesty's ships Hecla and Griper, in the years 1819 & 1820. London : Printed for Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme, and Brown, 1821.
FC3961 .2 F57 Reserve
2nd ed. London : Printed for Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme, and Brown, 1821. FC3961 .2 F57 1821 Reserve
Letters written during the late voyage of discovery in the western Arctic Sea by an officer of the expedition. London : Printed for Sir Richard Phillips and Co., 1821.
Casey I 1104

The North Georgia gazette, and winter chronicle. London : J. Murray, 1821.
G635 P3 N6 fol. Reserve/FC3961 .2 P35 1821 fol. c.2 Reserve

-- 2nd ed. London : J. Murray, 1822.
G635 P3 N6 1822 fol. Reserve
Parry, William Edward. Journal of a voyage for the discovery of a north-west passage from the Atlantic to the Pacific : performed in the years 1819-20, in His Majesty's ships Hecla and Griper, under the orders of William Edward Parry, R.N., F.R.S., and commander of the expedition : with an appendix containing the scientific and other observations. London : J. Murray, 1821.
FC3961 .2 P35 1821 fol. Reserve
-- 2nd ed. London : J. Murray, 1821. FC3961 .2 P35 1821a fol. Reserve

-- [American ed.] Philadelphia : A. Small, 1821. FC3961 .2 P35 1821b Reserve

-- [French translation] Voyage fait en 1819 et 1820, sur les vaisseaux de S.M.B, l'Hécla et le Griper, pour découvrir un passage du nord-ouest de l'océan Atlantique à la mer Pacifique sous les ordres de William Édouard-Parry : traduit de l'anglais. Paris : Gide, 1822. FC3961 .2 P3514 1822 Reserve
A Supplement to the appendix of Captain Parry's Voyage for the discovery of a North-West Passage, in the years 1819-20 : containing an account of the subjects of natural history. London : J. Murray, 1824.
FC3961 .2 P3622 1825 fol. Reserve

Parry, William Edward. Journals of the first, second and third voyages for the discovery of a north-west passage from the Atlantic to the Pacific : in 1819-20-21-22-23-24-25 : in His Majesty's ships Hecla, Griper and Fury, under the orders of Capt. W.E. Parry. London : J. Murray, 1828-1829.
FC3205 .1 P3 1828 Stacks

Parry, William Edward. Three voyages for the discovery of a north-west passage from the Atlantic to the Pacific, and narrative of an attempt to reach the North Pole. London : J. Murray, 1835.
G635 P3 A3 Stacks

-- [American ed.] New York : Harper, 1840. G635 P3 A3 1840 Stacks

-- [Later American ed.] New York : Harper, 1845. G635 P3 A3 1845 Reserve

1819-22 Franklin, Richardson, Back & Hood

Back, George. Arctic artist : the journal and paintings of George Back, midshipman with Franklin, 1819-1822. Ed. by C. Stuart Houston. Montreal : McGill-Queen's University Press, c1994.
FC3961 .1 B32 A3 1994 fol. Preservation/Stacks

Franklin, John. Narrative of a journey to the shores of the Polar Sea in the years 1819, 20, 21, and 22 : with an appendix on various subjects relating to science and natural history. London : J. Murray, 1823.
F5959 F73 1823 fol. Reserve

-- [1st ed., special issue] London : J. Murray, 1823. F5959 F73 fol. Reserve

-- 2nd ed. London : J. Murray, 1824. FC3961 F73 1824 Reserve

-- 3rd ed. London : J. Murray, 1824. FC3961 F73 1824a Reserve

-- [American ed.] Philadelphia : H.C. Carey & I. Lea, A. Small, Edward Parker, M'Carty & Davis, B. & T. Kite, Thomas Desilver, and E. Littell, 1824. FC3961 F73 1824b Reserve

-- [Later ed.] Journey to the shores of the Polar Sea, in 1819-20-21-22 : with a brief account of the second journey in 1825-26-27. London : J. Murray, 1829. FC3961 F73 Reserve

-- [German translation] Reise an die Küsten des Polarmeeres in den Jahren 1819, 1820, 1821 u. 1822. Weimar : G.H.S. pr. Landes-Industrie-Comptoirs, 1823-1824. Metropolitan Toronto Reference Library
Franklin, John. Thirty years in the Arctic regions. New York : D.W. Evans, [1859]
G585 F73 F74 Reserve
-- [Another ed.] Philadelphia : J.E. Potter, [1859?] G585 F73 F74 1859 Reserve

-- [Another ed.] New York : G. Cooper, 1859. G585 F73 F73 Reserve

-- [Another ed.] New York : H. Dayton ; Indianapolis : Asher, 1859. G585 F73 F74 1859b Reserve
Hood, Robert. To the Arctic by canoe, 1819-1821 : the journal and paintings of Robert Hood, midshipman with Franklin. Ed. by C. Stuart Houston. Montreal : Arctic Institute of North America : McGill-Queen's University Press, 1974.
FC3961 .2 H6 fol. Stacks
-- [Later ed.] Montreal : McGill-Queen's University Press, 1994. FC3961 .2 H6 1994 Stacks/Preservation
Hooker, William Jackson. Flora boreali-Americana, or, The botany of the northern parts of British America : compiled principally from the plants collected by Dr. Richardson & Mr. Drummond on the late northern expeditions, under command of Captain Sir John Franklin ... London : H.G. Bohn, 1840.
QK201 H66 1840 fol. Reserve

Richardson, John. Arctic ordeal : the journal of John Richardson, surgeon-naturalist with Franklin, 1820-1822. Ed. by C. Stuart Houston . Kingston [Ont.] : McGill-Queen's University Press, 1984.
FC3961 .1 R52 A3 1984 fol. Stacks

-- [Later ed.] Montreal : McGill-Queen's University Press, 1994. FC3961 .1 R52 A3 1984 fol. Stacks/Preserv
Richardson, John. Botanical appendix to Captain Franklin's Narrative of a journey to the shores of the Polar Sea. [London?] : W. Clowes, 1823.
British Columbia Archives

Richardson, John. Fauna boreali-americana, or, The zoology of the northern parts of British America ; containing descriptions of the objects of natural history collected on the late northern land expedition, under command of Captain Sir John Franklin, by John Richardson. London : J. Murray, 1829-1837.
QL219 R5 fol. Reserve

1821-23 Parry & Lyon

Lyon, George Francis. The private journal of Captain G.F. Lyon, of H.M.S. Hecla, during the recent voyage of discovery under Captain Parry. London : J. Murray, 1824.
G650 1821 P252 1824 Reserve
-- [American ed.] Boston : Wells and Lilly, 1824. G650 1821 P252 Reserve

-- New ed. London : J. Murray, 1825. G650 1821 P252 1825 Reserve

Parry, William Edward. Journal of a second voyage for the discovery of a North-West Passage from the Atlantic to the Pacific : performed in the years 1821-22-23, in His Majesty's ships Fury and Hecla, under the orders of Captain William Edward Parry, R.N., F.R.S., and commander of the expedition. London : J. Murray, 1824.
FC3961 .2 P36 1824 fol. Reserve

Appendix to Captain Parry's Journal of a second voyage for the discovery of a north-west passage from the Atlantic to the Pacific, performed in His Majesty's ships Fury and Hecla, in the years 1821-22-23. London : J. Murray, 1825.
FC3961 .2 P362 1825 fol. Reserve

Parry, William Edward. Journals of the first, second and third voyages for the discovery of a north-west passage from the Atlantic to the Pacific : in 1819-20-21-22-23-24-25 : in His Majesty's ships Hecla, Griper and Fury, under the orders of Capt. W.E. Parry. London : J. Murray, 1828-1829.
FC3205 .1 P3 1828 Stacks

Parry, William Edward. Three voyages for the discovery of a north-west passage from the Atlantic to the Pacific, and narrative of an attempt to reach the North Pole. London : J. Murray, 1835.
G635 P3 A3 Stacks

-- [American ed.] New York : Harper, 1840. G635 P3 A3 1840 Stacks

-- [Later American ed.] New York : Harper, 1845. G635 P3 A3 1845 Reserve

1823-27 Duncan

Duncan, David, fl. 1827 Arctic regions: voyage to Davis' Strait. London : Printed by E. Billing, for the author, 1827.
Metro Toronto Reference Library

1824 Lyon

Lyon, George Francis. A brief narrative of an unsuccessful attempt to reach Repulse Bay, through Sir Thomas Rowe's "Welcome," in His Majesty's ship Griper, in the year MDCCCXXIV. London : J. Murray, 1825.
G650 1825 L9 Reserve/Stacks

Paton, John. A journal of a voyage of discovery to the polar regions, in the year 1824, in His Majesty's ship Griper, G.F. Lyon, captain : with a particular account of the proceedings during that perilous voyage. Paisley [Scotland] : Printed for the author by J. Fraser, 1825.
Metro Toronto Reference Library

1824-25 Parry & Hoppner

Parry, William Edward. Journal of a third voyage for the discovery of a north-west passage from the Atlantic to the Pacific : performed in the years 1824-25 in His Majesty's ships Hecla and Fury, under the orders of Captain William Edward Parry, R.N., F.R.S., and commander of the expedition. London : J. Murray, 1826.
FC3961 .2 P37 1826 fol. Reserve
-- [Later ed.] Philadelphia : H.C. Carey and I. Lea, 1826. FC3961 .2 P37 1826b Reserve
Parry, William Edward. Journals of the first, second and third voyages for the discovery of a north-west passage from the Atlantic to the Pacific : in 1819-20-21-22-23-24-25 : in His Majesty's ships Hecla, Griper and Fury, under the orders of Capt. W.E. Parry. London : J. Murray, 1828-1829.
FC3205 .1 P3 1828 Stacks

Parry, William Edward. Three voyages for the discovery of a north-west passage from the Atlantic to the Pacific, and narrative of an attempt to reach the North Pole. London : J. Murray, 1835.
G635 P3 A3 Stacks

-- [American ed.] New York : Harper, 1840. G635 P3 A3 1840 Stacks

-- [Later American ed.] New York : Harper, 1845. G635 P3 A3 1845 Reserve

1825-27 Franklin, Richardson, Back, Kendall & Drummond

Back, George. With Franklin to the top of the world, 1825-1826 : artic journal and sketches by George Back. Ed. by Bruce G. Wilson and Douglas E. Schoenherr. [Ottawa] : Public Archives of Canada : National Film Board of Canada, c1979.
B.C. Archives and Record Service, Victoria; National Archives of Canada

Franklin, John. Narrative of a second expedition to the shores of the Polar Sea in the years 1825, 1826, and 1827 : including an account of the progress of a detachment to the eastward by John Richardson. London : J. Murray, 1828.
F5959 F732 1828 fol. Reserve

-- [American ed.] Philadelphia : Carey, Lea, and Carey, 1828. F5959 F732 Reserve

-- [German translation] Zweite Reise des Capit. John Franklin von der Englischen Marine, befehlahabers der Expedition, an die Küsten des Polarmeeres, in den Jahren 1825, 1826, und 1827. Weimar : Verlage des Grossh. Säch priv. Landes-Industrie Comptoirs, 1829. F5959 F73215 Reserve
Franklin, John. Journey to the shores of the Polar Sea, in 1819-20-21-22 : with a brief account of the second journey in 1825-26-27. London : J. Murray, 1829.
FC3961 F73 Reserve

Franklin, John. Thirty years in the Arctic regions. New York : D.W. Evans, [1859]
G585 F73 F74 Reserve

-- [Another ed.] Philadelphia : J.E. Potter, [1859?] G585 F73 F74 1859 Reserve

-- [Another ed.] New York : G. Cooper, 1859. G585 F73 F73 Reserve

-- [Another ed.] New York : H. Dayton ; Indianapolis : Asher, 1859. G585 F73 F74 1859b Reserve
Hooker, William Jackson. Flora boreali-Americana, or, The botany of the northern parts of British America : compiled principally from the plants collected by Dr. Richardson & Mr. Drummond on the late northern expeditions, under command of Captain Sir John Franklin ... London : H.G. Bohn, 1840.
QK201 H66 1840 fol. Reserve

Richardson, John. Fauna boreali-americana, or, The zoology of the northern parts of British America ; containing descriptions of the objects of natural history collected on the late northern land expedition, under command of Captain Sir John Franklin, by John Richardson. London : J. Murray, 1829-1837.
QL219 R5 fol. Reserve

1825-28 Beechey

Beechey, Frederick William. Narrative of a voyage to the Pacific and Beering's Strait, to co-operate with the Polar expeditions : performed in His Majesty's ship Blossom, under the command of Captain F.W. Beechey ... in the years 1825, 26, 27, 28. London : H. Colburn and R. Bentley, 1831.
F5959 B4 1831 fol. Reserve
-- [British octavo ed.] Philadelphia : Carey & Lea, 1832. F5959 B4 Reserve

-- [American ed.] Philadelphia : Carey & Lea, 1832. F5959 B4 1832 Reserve
Beechey, Frederick William. A narrative of the voyages and travels of Captain Beechey, R.N., F.R.S. &c., to the Pacific and Behring's straits : performed in the years 1825, 26, 27 and 28 for the purpose of co-operating with the expeditions under Captains Parry and Franklin : and of Captain Back, R.N., to the Thlew-ee-choh River & the Arctic Sea, in search of the expedition under Capt. J. Ross, R.N., being the conclusion of the series of voyages instituted for the discovery of the North West Passage : compiled from original and authenticated documents by Robert Huish. London : W. Wright, 1839.
G650 1825 B43 Reserve

Hooker, William Jackson. The botany of Captain Beechey's voyage : comprising an account of the plants collected by Messrs. Lay and Collie, and other officers of the expedition during the voyage to the Pacific and Bering's Strait, performed in His Majesty's Ship Blossom, under the command of Captain F.W. Beechey ... in the years 1825, 26, 27, and 28. London : H.G. Bohn, 1841.
QK5 B4 fol. Reserve/Stacks

Peard, George. To the Pacific and Arctic with Beechey : the journal of Lieutenant George Peard of H.M.S. Blossom, 1825-1828. Ed. by Barry M. Gough. Cambridge : Published for the Hakluyt Society at the University Press, 1973.
G161 H2 ser. 2 no. 143 Stacks

1827 Parry

Parry, William. Narrative of an attempt to reach the North Pole : in boats fitted for the purpose, and attached to His Majesty's ship Hecla, in the year MDCCCXXVII, under the command of Captain William Edward Parry, R.N., F.R.S. London : J. Murray, 1828.
FC3961 .2 P38 1828 fol. Reserve
-- [Later ed.] London : J. Murray, 1829. FC3961 .2 P38 1829 Reserve

1829-33 John Ross & James C. Ross

Burford, Robert. Description of a view of the continent of Boothia, discovered by Captain Ross, in his late expedition to the Polar regions, now exhibiting at the Panorama, Leicester Square : painted by the proprietor, Robert Burford, from drawings taken by Captain Ross, in 1830. London : J. & G. Nichols, 1834.
FC3961 B98 Reserve

Ross, John. Narrative of a second voyage in search of a north-west passage and of a residence in the Arctic regions during the years 1829, 1830, 1831, 1832, 1833 : including the reports of James Clark Ross and the discovery of the northern magnetic pole. London : A.W. Webster, 1835.
FC3961 .2 R7 1835a fol. Reserve/Stacks

-- [Later ed.] London : O. Hodgson, [1835] FC3961 .2 R7 1835e fol. Reserve

-- [American ed.] Philadelphia : E.L. Carey, 1835. FC3961 .2 R7 1835b fol. Reserve

-- [Belgian ed.] Brussels : A. Wahlen, 1835. FC3961 .2 R7 1835c Reserve

-- [French ed.] Paris : A. and W. Galignani, 1835. FC3961 .2 R7 1835d Reserve

-- [French ed.] Paris : Baudry's European Library, 1835. FC3961 .2 R7 1835f Reserve

-- [Later ed.] London : O. Hodgson, [1836?] FC3961 .2 R7 1836 Reserve

-- [French translation] Relation du second voyage fait à la recherche d'un passage au nord-ouest par Sir John Ross. Paris : Bellizard, Barthes, Dufour, et Lowell, 1835. FC3961 .2 R714 1835 Reserve

-- [French translation] Bruxelles : Wouters, 1844. FC3961 .2 R714 1844 Reserve

-- [German transation] Zweite Entdeckungsreise nach den Gegenden des Nordpols, 1829-1833. Berlin : G. Reimer, 1835-1836. University of British Columbia Library

-- [Dutch translation] Verhaal van eenen tweeden zeetogt en van verschiedene landreizen in de noordpool-gewesten. Zutphen [Netherlands] : W.J. Thieme, 1836-1837. FC3961 .2 R713 1836 Reserve
Ross, John. Appendix to the narrative of a second voyage in search of a North-West Passage and of a residence in the arctic regions during the years 1829, 1830, 1831, 1832, 1833 : including the reports of James Clark Ross and discovery of the northern magnetic pole. London : A.W. Webster, 1835.
National Archives of Canada

Braithwaite, John. Supplement to Captain Sir John Ross's Narrative of a second voyage in the Victory in search of a North-West Passage : containing the suppressed facts necessary to a proper understanding of the causes of the failure of the steam machinery of the Victory and a just appreciation of Captain Sir John Ross's character as an officer and a man of science. London : Chapman and Hall, 1835.
Queen's University, Kingston

Ross, John. Explanation and answer to Mr. John Braithwaite's Supplement to Captain Sir John Ross's Narrative of a second voyage in the Victory, in search of a Northwest Passage. [London] : Whiting, [1835?]
Bound with: FC3961 .2 R7 1835a fol. c.5 Reserve

1833-35 Back & King

Back, George. Narrative of the Arctic land expedition to the mouth of the Great Fish River, and along the shores of the Arctic Ocean, in the years 1833, 1834, and 1835. London : J. Murray, 1836.
F5959 B3 Reserve
-- [Large paper ed.] London : J. Murray, 1836. F5959 B3 1836 fol. Reserve

-- Paris : A. and W. Galignani, 1836. F5959 B3 1836a Reserve

-- Philadelphia : E.L. Carey & A. Hart, 1836. F5959 B3 1836b Reserve

-- 2nd ed. Philadelphia : E.L. Carey & A. Hart, 1837. F5959 B3 1837 Reserve

-- [German translation] Reise durch Nord-Amerika bis zur Mündung des grossen Fischflusses und an den Küsten des Polarmeeres in den Jahren 1833, 1834, und 1835. Leipzig : J.J. Weber, 1836. F5959 B315 1836 Reserve

-- [French translation] Voyage dans les régions arctiques, à la recherche du capitaine Ross en 1834 et 1835. Paris : A. Bertrand, 1836. F5959 B313 Reserve
Back, George. A narrative of the voyages and travels of Captain Beechey, R.N., F.R.S. &c., to the Pacific and Behring's straits : performed in the years 1825, 26, 27 and 28 for the purpose of co-operating with the expeditions under Captains Parry and Franklin : and of Captain Back, R.N., to the Thlew-ee-choh River & the Arctic Sea, in search of the expedition under Capt. J. Ross, R.N., being the conclusion of the series of voyages instituted for the discovery of the North West Passage : compiled from original and authenticated documents by Robert Huish. London : W. Wright, 1839.
G650 1825 B43 Reserve

King, Richard. Narrative of a journey to the shores of the Arctic Ocean, in 1833, 1834, and 1835 : under the command of Capt. Back, R.N. London : R. Bentley, 1836.
F5959 B32 1836 Reserve

1836-37 Back

Back, George. Narrative of an expedition in H.M.S. Terror : undertaken with a view to geographical discovery on the Arctic shores, in the years 1836-7. London : J. Murray, 1838.
FC3961 B324 1838 Reserve

1837-39 Dease & Simpson

Hudsons' Bay Company's Expedition (1837-1839). Progress of North American discovery for 1838 : we have much pleasure in submitting to the reader the official report of the expedition, dispatched by the Hudson's Bay Company, to complete the discovery successfully begun by Messrs. Dease and Simpson, in 1837. [London : G. Berger, 1839?]
Metro Toronto Reference Library

Simpson, Thomas. Narrative of the discoveries on the north coast of America : effected by the officers of the Hudson's Bay Company during the years 1836-39. London : R. Bentley, 1843.
F5507 S45 Reserve/Stacks

Simpson, Alexander. The life and travels of Thomas Simpson, the Arctic discoverer. London : R. Bentley, 1845.
F5954 .9 S56 S56 Stacks

1839, 1840 Penny

M'Donald, Alexander. A narrative of some passages in the history of Eenoolooapik, a young Esquimaux, who was brought to Britain in 1839, in the ship "Neptune" of Aberdeen : an account of the discovery of Hogarth's Sound ... Edinburgh : Fraser & Co. and J. Hogg, 1841.
Indian and Northern Affairs Library, Ottawa

1845-48 Franklin & Crozier

Bell, Benjamin. Lieut. John Irving, R.N., of H.M.S. "Terror" in Sir John Franklin's last expedition to the Arctic regions : a memorial sketch with letters. Edinburgh : D. Douglas, 1881.
G635 I7 B4 1881 Stacks

FitzJames, Captain. The last journals of Captain Fitzjames, R.N., of the lost polar expedition. Ed. by William Coningham. Brighton : W. Pearce, 1859.
No holdings

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