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Celebrating Dayal Kaur Khalsa


Annex III — Paintings of Famous Artists Included in Khalsa's Books
(Prepared by William Kloss)

Tales of a Gambling Grandma: Van Gogh - Vincent's Bedroom
Cezanne - The Card Players

I Want a Dog: Seurat - Sunday Afternoon on the Isle of the Grand Jatte
Van Gogh - The Langlois Bridge
Edw. Hopper - Early Sunday Morning
Gilbert Stuart - George Washington
Hokusai - The Wave

My Family Vacation: Vermeer - The Milkmaid
Vermeer - Woman with a Water Jug

Sleepers: Edw. Hopper - Nighthawks

Julian: Edw. Hopper - Cape Cod Morning

Cowboy Dreams: Rosa Bonheur - The Horse Fair

Annex IV- References *