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Celebrating Dayal Kaur Khalsa


Annex V — List of Illustrations and Credits

  • Two portraits of Dayal Kaur Khalsa (née Marcia Schonfeld) at early ages. Photos courtesy of Brian Grison.
  • Grandma's bedroom, the final illustration in Tales of a Gambling Grandma.
  • The Schonfeld family home in Queens, NY. Photo courtesy of Brian Grison.
  • The Schonfeld family home in Queens, NY, as illustrated on the back cover of My Family Vacation.
  • Grandma and the narrator sitting in the front yard of the Schonfeld family home in Queens, NY, as illustrated on the front cover of Tales of a Gambling Grandma.
  • The Cossacks eating borscht in the Schonfeld family kitchen in Queens, NY, illustrated on page 9 of Tales of a Gambling Grandma.
  • Snapshot of Grandma Shapiro holding the infant Marcia (Dayal). Courtesy of Brian Grison.
  • Comparison of the penultimate illustration in Tales of a Gambling Grandma with a preparatory sketch for an unpublished work, "May and Her Mother". Sketch courtesy of Brian Grison.
  • Photo of May Cutler, President of Tundra Books, cutting the Tundra 25th Anniversary cake. From the Tundra 1993-1994 Catalogue, inside cover. Courtesy of Tundra Books, with permission.
  • Photo of Marcia Schonfeld's second-grade class. From the National Library of Canada's collection.
  • May's (Marcia Schonfeld's) second-grade class with dog faces superimosed, except on May (Marcia) at the extreme left of the first row. Illustration on page four of I Want a Dog.
  • May, leading the dogs to her home. Illustration on page five of I Want a Dog.
  • The corner near the Schonfeld home in Queens, NY, where May rolled her "dog" in I Want a Dog.
  • May rolling her "dog" at the street corner near her home. Illustrated on page 16 of I Want a Dog.
  • The school yard of the elementary school in Queens, NY, attended by Marcia Schonfeld, illustrated in I Want a Dog.
  • May practicing walking her "dog" in the school yard with her friends watching. Illustrated on page 17 of I Want a Dog.
  • The Schonfeld family. Marcia is third from the left, with her older brother, mother and father.
  • May's family. Illustrated on the cover of My Family Vacation.
  • Marcia Schonfeld around the time of her college graduation. Photo courtesy of Brian Grison.
  • Photo of Marcia Schonfeld taken at Millbrook Ontario, at either the Schwartz Farm or the Hard farm. Photo courtesy of Tom and Martha Hendrickson.
  • Photo of Marcia Schonfeld taken at the Schwartz farm in Millbrook, Ontario. Photo courtesy of Tom and Martha Hendrickson.
  • Illustration of Julian and the cats at the Hard farm in Millbrook Ontario. Illustrated on page 5 of Julian. (According to the Hard's daughter, Julian was originally the Hard family's dog, but eventually adopted Marcia, not the other way around.)
  • A comparison of the gestures of May's mother in I Want a Dog (page 5), and the narrator's gesture in Julian (page 19).
  • An example of the landscape style of Dayal, which first appears in Julian. Illustration on page 3 of Julian.
  • Photographic portrait of Dayal Kaur Khalsa holding one of the infants of the 3HO Ashram. Photo courtesy of Brian Grison.
  • The final illustration in Cowboy Dreams, showing a cowboy on a real horse leading the narrator on her hobby horse out of the picture, generally interpreted as anticipating the death of the narrator, Dayal Kaur Khalsa.
  • Photographic portrait of Dayal Kaur Khalsa, working in her studio, shortly before her death. Photo courtesy of Ram Kirn Khalsa, a member of the 3HO Ashram, with whose family Dayal lived at the time of her death.