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About the Exhibition

Critical Acclaim: Portraits from the National Archives of Canada
at the Archives in the Market, 136 St. Patrick Street, Ottawa until November 14, 1999

The stories of individual lives, when considered together, reveal the history of Canada. The experiences and contributions of each person make each story unique.

The lives of the First Peoples who have inhabited North America for thousands of years have become intertwined with explorers and immigrants. These are men and women who have created a wealthy nation and who have worked to build a social and political fabric, correct injustices, defend freedom and expand human knowledge and understanding of the arts and sciences. They deserve acclaim and recognition.

The National Archives of Canada helps to preserve these stories. In many cases, the National Archives has been able to acquire images of such individuals in either formal or informal portrait settings, and in a variety of media. Together, these portraits form the national portrait collection. All portraits are preserved and maintained for the benefit of current and future generations.

This exhibition presents a sampling of the many portraits in the National Archives of Canada; portraits which tell us about ourselves, our past and which guide us to the future.

The portraits have been grouped around four themes, which are the space we live in, making Canadian society what it is, enlarging our minds and enriching our culture.

Claudia Kerckhoff-Van Wijk, 1989

Claudia Kerckhoff-Van Wijk,