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Enlarging our Minds

The Countess of Aberdeen (née Ishbel Maria Marjoribanks) in the robes which she wore to receive an Honourary Doctor of Laws from Queen’s University, May 1897, by William James Topley (1845-1930)

Lady Aberdeen (1857-1939), noted social reformer and philanthropist, was the first woman in Canada to have an honourary degree conferred by a Canadian university.

Despite strong opposition from the medical establishment, she founded the Victorian Order of Nurses (VON) to provide medical services to Canadians in rural and remote areas. Lady Aberdeen became the first president of the National Council of Women of Canada and was also concerned with the protection of working women, in particular the conditions of young women in factories and workshops.

Her husband, the Earl of Aberdeen, served as governor general of Canada from 1893 to 1898.



