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Canadian <Metadata> Forum

Geospatial Metadata -
The View From the Library

Grace Welch
Assistant Chief Librarian, Systems and E-Resources,
Library Network, University of Ottawa

Also available in [PDF 54 KB] (slides) and [PDF 60 KB] (with comments)

GIS in map libraries

  • Traditional map library evolving into GIS data centres
  • In Canada began collecting data in mid-90's
  • Most service now centres on geospatial data: finding, organizing, delivering
  • Metadata critical for service delivery

Geospatial metadata evolution

  • April 1994, U.S. executive order
  • Canada develops own standard
  • FGDC becomes Canadian standard for metadata for CGDI
  • ISO standard for metadata just available
  • Producers slow to adopt and implement


  • Data creators anxious to find & produce data, improve quality
  • Concept of metadata foreign to creators
  • After the fact activity when created
  • Metadata standard complex, daunting (over 300 data elements)
  • Institutional efforts to create own metadata tools
  • Little appreciation of benefits


  • Data collections with little or rudimentary metadata
  • Metadata development after the fact = gaps
  • Still seen as a chore and not an investment
  • Long term re-use of data seriously compromised
  • Libraries becoming metadata creators

Challenges for librarians

  • Understanding complex, technical information
  • How to best make information available (e.g. catalogue records)
  • Educating producers/creators about importance
  • Educating students (future creators)
  • Filling in the gaps

Some improvement

  • Availability of ArcCatalog
  • Development of web mapping applications and discovery portals
  • ”Metadata” no longer strange concept
  • Some training available
  • GIS students now being trained  -  next generation of data creators

What can librarians do

  • Develop & share metadata for existing collections
  • Identify cooperative opportunities, e.g. between libraries, Penn State U. model
  • Share expertise
  • Continue to educate producers/users
  • Promote information management practices

Opportunities for future

  • Begin dialogue between diverse communities
  • Share information management expertise with data producers
  • Identify opportunities to share workload & expertise e.g. participate in metadata creation

Proactive Disclosure