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Canadian <Metadata> Forum

Metadata in Public Libraries

Walter Lewis
Halton Hills Public Library

Also available in [PDF 189 KB]

The Halton Hills Public Library?

  • Community of 50,000 people; 25 FTE including 3 professional librarians
  • Fringe of the Greater Toronto Area
  • Member of HALINET (HALton Information NETwork)
  • Believers in the old notion of the "one place to look" (at least for accurate referral)

Metadata types

  • Descriptive metadata
    • Resource discovery ...
  • Administrative metadata
    • Creation, Rights ...
  • Technical/structural metadata
    • Formats, location ...
  • Collectively: Collection Management

Contexts for Metadata in the Public Library

  • Traditional library information systems
  • Community information
  • Local historical and genealogical information

Traditional Library metadata

  • Collection catalogue
  • Indexing services (magazines and newspapers)
  • MARC-centric services
  • Purchased content and data management services

Community Information

  • Directories of agencies and services
  • Volunteer opportunities listings
  • Events listings
  • Developed web-centered software to facilitate collection, management and searching (

Local Historical and Genealogical Information

  • Newspaper
  • Images (part of Images Canada)
  • Books (including indexes of non-digitized material)
  • Census, wills, property records, military records, cemetery, business directories, maps …
  • 600,000 + records, millions of searches/year

Maritime History of the Great Lakes

  • Power of Partnerships: Entirely volunteer, contributed content
  • Personal site and Development test bed
  • Newspaper articles (TEI)
  • Transcribed and imaged texts
  • Images
  • Enrolment and registry databases

Data models vs metadata

  • Single most important concept in presentation
  • Metadata schemas are largely about how you encode content as you share it with other systems
  • Good data models will allow you to support multiple metadata schemas
  • The last thing you want to do is to derive a MARC or METS record from a database modeled to support Dublin Core

Examples (1)

Images database
  • Export routine to transform the data on its way to Images Canada (modified Dublin Core)
  • Working with one of the NCSA's Open Archives Initiative routines to support OAI (Dublin Core required; other transformations optional)
  • Crossnet's Zedlib templates to transform the same dataset into MARC and SUTRS to answer Z39.50 queries

Examples (2.1)

Community Information database
  • CIOC's gateway ( uses the Crossnet Zedlib toolset to deliver MARC 21 (Community Information) records via the DRA/SIRSI TAOS Web2 interface
  • Could as easily be integrated into a broadcast Z39.50 search oriented interface for a single library
  • Need to be able to pass address information off to mapping agencies (from the native web interface)

Examples (2.2)

Community Information database (cont.)
  • Requirement to export to Microsoft Access for use in local derivative works.
  • Requirement to export and import from the ACICO standard format while engaged in other joint projects
  • Looming need for data exchange with the CCACs

Examples (3)

Digital books using Text Encoding Initiative (TEI)
  • Shares with the EAD (and HTML) the notion of embedded metadata in a head area to describe the content in the body
  • Embed <index>, <name> tags in the body
  • XSLT to create web pages with Dublin Core meta tags
  • Export other tags to database to drive other kinds of searches
  • XML and databases are complementary, not mutually exclusive technologies

Description in binary objects

  • Challenge of orphaned digital objects
  • Separate work flows
    • Digitizers
    • Metadata specialists
    • ... often for excellent reasons
  • Orphaned projects (and content)
  • Projects that are working on this issue, but where the priority is rights and technical metadata

Resource discovery

  • Native interfaces
  • Google vs the Deep Web
    • There are strategies to expose this content to Google etc.
  • Harvested content
  • Broadcast search

Native interfaces

  • Most projects have one
  • Rarely closely linked to the metadata ... schemas ...
  • ... except when loading specific content into broader content management applications
  • Maximum number of "rabbit holes" or "silos"
  • Need to expose a crawlable interface to Google et al.  -  subject to their relevance criteria

Harvested content

  • Open Archives Initiative Protocol for Metadata Harvesting (OAI-PMH)
    • Unqualified Dublin Core
    • Other metadata standards as configured
  • Bi-lateral agreements
  • Directed web harvesting

Broadcast and Government Info

  • Demand for simplified access to board range of government information
    • Municipal
    • Provincial
    • Federal
  • Range of resource discovery options
    • Local, customized search interface
    • Support metadata and searching standards that allow organizations to define the interface, navigation elements that link the data

Broadcast searching

  • Just-in-time searching
  • One Place to Look
  • Usually associated with Z39.50
  • Can be built across a set of native databases
  • Commercial applications (WebFeat, Agent etc.) combine techniques from screen scraping to being metadata aware

Parting thoughts

  • The same data can support a wide range of metadata standards, as appropriate
  • Customized local search interfaces still matter
  • Standards-based interfaces that allow broader searching matter

Proactive Disclosure