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Canadian <Metadata> Forum

Multimedia Expert Panel Discussion

Alexander Eykelhof The Bibliocentre, Centennial College

Available also in [PDF 44 KB]

Multimedia Panel Discussion Topic 1: "What is MPEG and its various forms?"


  • ISO Number IS-11172 (1993)
  • An AV compression standard
  • Removes spatially redundant data
    • Discrete -Cosine Transform or DCT and Huffman encoding
  • Removes temporally redundant data
    • Motion Compensated Prediction or MCP
  • Uses audio compression
    • Subband encoding
  • Bandwidth = 1.5 Mbits/sec
  • Intended for CD-ROM and VCD use


  • ISO Number IS-13818 (1998)
  • An AV compression standard
  • Extension of the MPEG-1 standard
  • Uses same compression standards but…
  • Also supports Interlaced frames for greater detail has better sound
  • Higher bandwidth - 2 to 8 Mbits/sec
  • Used for DVD's


  • ISO Number IS-14496 (1999)
  • An AV compression standard using newer technology
  • Object-based approach, multiple profiles
  • Designed for a range of multimedia applications
  • Especially streaming over the Web
  • Lower bandwidth - 8kbit/sec to 1 Mbit/sec


  • ISO Number IS-15938 (2002)
  • A multimedia content description interface
  • XML-based metadata tool
  • Describes -
    • Audio characteristics
    • Motion characteristics
    • Colour characteristics
    • Texture characteristics
    • Shape characteristics
    • Semantic characteristics


  • ISO Number IS-21000 (2003)
  • A multimedia framework to enable portability of multmedia resources
  • An XML-based metadata tool
  • Supports
    • Content creation
    • Content usage
    • Content packaging
    • Intellectual property & protection
    • Financial management

Primarily oriented toward rights management


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Multimedia Panel Discussion Topic 2: "What value, if any, does metadata provide for multimedia?"

  • Video content
  • Metadata takes us past the "Black Box" we can see into the video as well all around it
  • Books have indexes, table of contents and random access to the guts of the book
  • Who would buy a book that could only be opened to the front page It's normal to think of books as having multiple access points
  • This level of access is critical for multimedia objects as well
  • It has begun with DVD's - many popular DVD's have chapter listings on the inside cover and scene access available online.
  • But there's a potential for much more.
  • Detailed access to any point in inside the video
  • And more - access to multiple segments on the same topic

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Multimedia Panel Discussion Topic 3: "What methodology has each panel member followed in the implementation of metadata?"

  • Our work with video metadata did not start out as a metadata project.
  • It started with as a result of the experience of AV staff in libraries and media centres
  • Video tapes kept behind counters, often no way to look them up in a catalogue
  • TV's, VCR's on carts wheeled around from classroom to classroom
  • Single copies of the tapes
  • Some can't be taken out of the library and so must be watched in the library
  • This was a practical problem in the real world. Use metadata to solve a practical problem
  • It took visionary to realize there had to be a better way to deal with this
  • Janice Hayes director of the Centennial college library at that time initiated a project to bring the library video collection into an on demand form
  • This started the Video on Demand project
  • But access meant metadata
  • Half a dozen Educational videos
  • Small 5 of colleges and a school board
  • Markup with CanCore and MPEG-7
  • MPEG-1 master
  • Transcode to Quicktime

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Multimedia Panel Discussion Topic 4: "Metadata and multimedia: Where are we? Where are we going? Where do we need to be?"

  • Where are we?
    • Pilot project has completed now and we are in the analysis phase
    • We have tried a number of different MAM's
    • Pilot was a success evaluation is most important to us now
  • What's next?
    • Expanded Pilot
    • Refining the metadata
    • Rights management
    • More funding
  • Where do we need to be?
    • 1000 videos digitized
    • Efficient markup system
    • Better use of standards such as MPEG-7
    • Collaboration with other institutions
    • Rights clearing house

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