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Canadian <Metadata> Forum

Web Accessibility Issues, or,
the "Correct Needle in the Correct Haystack"

Jutta Treviranus
RCAT, Adaptive Technology Resource Centre (ATRC)
University of Toronto

Available also in [PDF 128 KB]


  • Reduced choices
  • Reduced flexibility
  • Convenience vs. a "must have"

Like ...

Smorgasbord for-

  • Someone with no dietary restrictions - but preferences
  • Someone with a severe peanut allergy

Information Technology and Assistive Technology


  • Reduced flexibility due to a mismatch between the available resources and the tasks to be accomplished
  • Task: Translation of many languages, some secret, with source material in many locations and sometimes hidden.
  • Communication and the location of information must be consistent and open.

Accessible Content


  • Can this transform in the way I need it to transform?

Alternatives or Equivalents

  • Is there an alternative but equivalent presentation of this inaccessible information?

IMS Accessibility Working Group

  • Learner Information to support accessibility or "ACCLIP"
  • Metadata to support accessibility or "ACCMD"
  • Soon to address:
    • Learning Design and Content Packaging


Accessibility for LIP (Learner information Package) or ACCLIP

  • How do I want/need things to be displayed?
  • How do I want/need things to be controlled?
  • What content alternatives, equivalents or helpful tools do I want/need?
  • In what context?

Accessibility Metadata (ACCMD)

  • Open collaboration with other Metadata specifications groups
  • Extensions to existing specifications
  • Application Profile for accessibility
    • Including restricted vocabularies


Information about:

  1. Conformance to accessibility standards
  2. Can it transform? (with specific information about how well)
  3. Information that corresponds to ACCLIP
    • What type of content is it?
    • Can it transform in the necessary way?
    • Is there an equivalent for it? Or is it an equivalent?
    • Is it an enabling tool? What kind?


  • Specify semantics, syntax and behaviour relative to accessibility metadata to make the work of assistive technologies possible

Authoring of Accessibility Metadata

TILE Project

  • Integrated, unconscious authoring
  • Automatic authoring
    • Aprompt
    • Generate necessary EARL statement

With the correct tool used in the correct way,
it is possible to find almost anything...

If it exists.

Proactive Disclosure