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Oscar Peterson - A Jazz Sensation
Biography Honours O.P. & Friends Photo Gallery

Letter written by Oscar Peterson after Ella Fitzgerald's death

Ella Fitzgerald Letter
© Oscar Peterson


Dear Lady Fitz,

I thought I should take this final opportunity to

tell you once more, as I once tried to on a television

show in London, how much your talent and greatness has

meant to all of us in the music world. For myself, you have

never failed on all of our various performances and record

dates to inspire all of us to play even better than we thought

ourselves capable of. I still reminisce about our unforgettable

years with the JATP and all of the varied recording sessions

we did during which you were the perennial musical icon for all

of us. You are now traveling to be with the other greats of

the music world, Duke, Basie, Dizzy, etc. Their gain is our

regrettable loss. May God bless you and welcome you to Heaven.

I love you.


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