The sitter (1776-1834) was the son of Eustache-Ignace Trottier known as Desrivières Beaubien, a merchant at Lac-des-Deux-Montagnes, and Marguerite-Alexis Mailhot. His portrait was possibly painted in Philadelphia when he was studying in the United States. He was active in the militia and became a well-respected French Canadian lawyer before he died of cholera in 1834. The artist James Peale has been described as one of the finest American miniature painters. He is part of a large family of portrait and miniature painters that included his brother and five of his seven children. As is characteristic of his miniatures, this work is signed with the monogram "I P" followed by the date. An example of the linear approach of his early work, this watercolour displays his talent for capturing the personality of the sitter.
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