Across Canada: Stories of Canadian Children (Clare Bice, 1954)
Akage no An (Lucy Maud Montgomery, [1967])
All Aboard! A Cross-Canada Adventure / En voiture! À la découvert du Canada (Barbara O'Kelly and Beverley Allinson, 1979)
Aller retour: roman (David Schinkel and Yves Beauchesne, c1986)
Alligator Pie (Dennis Lee, c1974)
L'Alphabet / The Annick ABC Activity Set (Roger Paré, [1985])
Angel Square (Brian Doyle, c1984)
Ania Z Szumiacych (Lucy Maud Montgomery, 1977)
Anne of Green Gables (Lucy Maud Montgomery, 1964)
Auntie's Knitting a Baby (Lois Simmie, c1984)
Les Aventures de Perrine et de Charlot (Marie-Claire Daveluy, 1938)
Beware the Fish! (Gordon Korman, 1980)
Bob and Bill See Canada (Alfred E. Uren, c1919)
The Book of Canadians: An Illustrated Guide to Who Did What (Carlotta Hacker, c1983)
By the Sea: An Alphabet Book (Ann Blades, c1985)
Canadian Crusoes: A Tale of the Rice Lake Plains (Catherine Parr Traill, 1852)
Canadian Fairy Tales (Eva Martin, 1984)
The Canadian Girl's Annual (Darkin H. Williams, editor, [1930])
The Canadian Readers: Book II (1930)
The Canadian Readers: Book IV (1929)
La captivité; de Charlot (Marie-Claire Daveluy, [c1938])
Cedric and the North End Kids (Bill Freeman, 1978)
Champlain: Sa vie et son caractère (L'abbé H.-R. Casgrain, 1898)
Le Chandail de hockey / The Hockey Sweater (Roch Carrier, c1984)
Le Chat Alexandre : D'un Canada à l'autre (Louise Darios, c1980)
Les Chemins secrets de la liberté (Barbara Smucker, 1982)
Coeurs d'enfants (Claude Genès, 1941)
Les Contes historiques de la Société Saint-Jean-Baptiste de Montréal : Notre histoire en images coloriées ([1920?])
Cowboys Don't Cry (Marilyn Halvorson, c1984)
Crisis on Conshelf Ten / Alerte au plateau 10 (Monica Hughes, c1975)
The Curses of Third Uncle (Paul Yee, 1986)
Le Diable du Labrador (Henri Vernes, c1960)
The Druid's Tune (O.R. Melling, 1983)
The Fellowship of the Ring: Being the First Part of the Lord of the Rings (J.R.R. Tolkien, 1954)
Figures Angéliques (Juliette Lavergne, 1921)
François d'Assise (Henriette Major, 1981)
Fresh Fish... and Chips (Jan Andrews, c1973)
From Anna (Jean Little, c1972)
Les Gens de mon pays (Gilles Vigneault, [1980?])
The Guardian of Isis (Monica Hughes, 1982)
Gullband Thought Measles Was a Happy Ending (Susan Musgrave, 1974)
L'Habit de neige / Thomas' Snowsuit (Robert N. Munsch, 1987)
Hans Christian Andersen's The Little Mermaid (Margaret Crawford Maloney, c1983)
Hold Fast! / Tiens bon! (Kevin Major, c1978)
L'Homme aux oiseaux (Robert Soulières, c1981)
The House on the Cliff (Franklin W. Dixon, c1927)
In the Irish Brigade (G.A. Henty, [19--?])
The Isis Pedlar (Monica Hughes, 1983)
J'aime Claire / I Love My Babysitter (Sylvie Assathiany, Louise Pelletier, [1982?])
Jasmin / Jasmine (Jan Truss, c1982)
Jean d'Ailleurs (Marianne Kugler, 1983)
Jory's Cove (Clare Bice, 1941)
Le Journal intime d'Ani Croche (Bertrand Gauthier, 1987)
The Keeper of the Isis Light (Monica Hughes, 1981)
The Kootenay Kidnapper (Eric Wilson, 1983)
Lectures courantes: Deuxième livre (1916)
Little Badger and the Fire Spirit (Maria Campbell, c1977)
Look! The Land Is Growing Giants: A Very Canadian Legend / Regarde, il y a des géants partout! Une légende bien canadienne (Joan Finnigan, 1983)
Le Loup de Noël / The Christmas Wolf (Claude Aubry, 1962)
Ludovic: roman (Daniel Sernine, c1983)
Martine-aux-oiseaux (Cécile Gagnon, 1966)
The Mennonite Canadians (Joanne Flint, c1980)
Millicent and the Wind (Robert N. Munsch, c1984)
The New Baby Calf / Quel beau petit! (Edith Newlin Chase, c1984)
Nos amis robots / Robot Alert (Suzanne Martel, c1981)
On the Irrawady (G.A. Henty, 1897)
One Proud Summer / Un été inoubliable (Marsha Hewitt and Claire MacKay, c1981)
The Paper Bag Princess / La Princesse à la robe de papier (Robert N. Munsch, c1980)
Peux-tu attraper Joséphine? / Can You Catch Josephine? (Stéphane Poulin, c1987)
Planéria : Anthologie de science-fiction (Denis Côté et al., c1985)
Please, Michael, That's My Daddy's Chair (Susan Elizabeth Mark, 1980?)
The Prophecy of Tau Ridoo (Welwyn Katz, 1982)
The Quarter-Pie Window (Marianne Brandis, c1985)
The Root Cellar (Janet Lunn, c1981)
Les Saisons de la mer (Monique Corriveau, c1975)
The Secret of the Old Mill (Franklin W. Dixon, c1927/1980)
Shadow in Hawthorn Bay (Janet Lunn, c1986)
Shantymen of Cache Lake / Les Hommes du chantier (Bill Freeman, 1975)
Simon (Maurice Gagnon, c1975)
The Sleighs of My Childhood / Les Traîneaux de mon enfance / (Carlo Italiano, c1974)
The Snow Drop (vol. 2) (1852)
Sowing Seeds in Danny (Nellie L. McClung, 1908)
The Stars in the Sky: A Scottish Tale (Joseph Jacobs, 1979)
Surréal 3000 / The City Under Ground (Suzanne Martel, c1980)
That Scatterbrain Booky (Bernice Thurman Hunter, c1981)
This Can't Be Happening at MacDonald Hall! / Bruno et Boots mènent le bal (Gordon Korman, c1978)
Titralak: Cadet de l'espace (Suzanne Martel, c1979)
The Twelve Dancing Princesses (Janet Lunn, 1979)
Underground to Canada (Barbara Smucker, 1978)
La Varicelle / Chicken Pox (Ginette Anfousse, 1979)
La Ville fabuleuse (Henriette Major, 1981)
Voyage au clair de lune / Moonbeam on a Cat's Ear (Marie-Louise Gay, c1986)
Who Goes to the Park (Warabé Aska, c1984)
The Yellow Flag (Susanne McSweeney, c1980)