What's New
The following digital projects have received funding and support from Library and Archives Canada, the Canadian Council of Archives and the Department of Canadian Heritage.
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"Launch of the FOREST from the Churchill Shipyard, Hantsport, Nova Scotia." ca. 1873, unsigned. Nova Scotia Archives and Records Management/Image 200400566. | Harvest at Île d'Orléans by Herménégilde Lavoie, ca. 1941. Archives nationales du Québec/E6, S7, SS1, P4247. | Directing logs away from the timber chute, ca. [192-?] Centre régional d'archives de l'Outaouais/P030-01b,P35, image 1. |
Archives nationales du Québec
Formation des jeunes et du grand public par l'accès aux sources historiques
(available in French only)
B.C. Central Coast Archives
Bella Coola Valley Digital Heritage Project
Centre régional d'archives de l'Outaouais
L'industrie forestière et la vie de chantier en Outaouais de 1860 à 1960
(available in French only)
MacNaught History Centre and Archives
The WWII Home Front in Summerside Prince Edward Island
Memorial University
Dr. Cluny MacPherson (1879-1966): Reflections of a Newfoundlander
Mount Saint-Vincent University
Nursing History Digitization Project
New-Brunswick Museum Archives and Research Library
Mark Our Place: Images and Memoirs of New Brunswicker's in Wartime
North West Territory Archives
Historical Timeline of the North West Territories
Nova Scotia Archives and Records Management
Nova Scotia and the Sea
Saskatchewan Archives Board
Becoming a province: the story of Saskatchewan
Salt Spring Island Historical Society Archive
Salt Spring Island Archive Multicultural Project
Société historique de Saint-Boniface
L'histoire des oblats au pays de Riel
(available in French only)
Université de Montréal
Marie-Victorin : L'itinéraire d'un botaniste
(available in French only)
Université du Québec à Montréal
Vive le sport! Du sport de la raquette aux Olympiades modernes
(available in French only)
Ville de Montréal
Canadian historical portraits
Yukon Archives
A Yukon Romance: Claude and Mary Tidd
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World War I Poster- Canadian Food Board promoting increased production of beef to export to Britain, c. 1918, by Howell Lithography, Hamilton, Ontario. New Brunswick Museum Archives and Research Library/OS, F25-10-4. | Victoria Skating Rink, City Road, Saint John, NB, ca 1877. Provincial Archives of New Brunswick/Historical Images of New Brunswick/P86-50. | Louis Cyr at nearly 18 years of age. Service des archives et de gestion des documents, Université du Québec à Montréal/120P-625:F3/2. |
Archives nationales du Québec
Acadia University, Esther Clark Wright Archives
Archives Society of Alberta
l'Université du Québec à Montréal
New Brunswick Museum Archives and Research Library
Nova Scotia Archives and Records Management
Provincial Archives of New Brunswick
Salt Spring Island Historical Society Archives
Saskatchewan Archives Board
Saskatchewan Council for Archives and Archivists
St. Francis Xavier University, University Archives & Celtic Studies Department
The University of Manitoba Archives & Special Collections
Trinity Historical Society Archives Project
Université de Montréal, Division des archives
Ville de Montréal
Vuntut Gwitchin First Nation
Yukon Archives
For more information on the program, you may visit the Canadian Council of Archives website www.cdncouncilarchives.ca/financial.html or contact Kristina Lillico at 613-943-0236, or webservices@lac-bac.gc.ca