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Images of light and warmth in winter celebrations


OTTAWA, December 21, 1999 - The National Archives of Canada presents a new exhibition, Festive Reflections, at its Archives in the Market location, 136 St-Patrick St. in Ottawa starting December 22, 1999 until April 23, 2000. In this exhibition, the National Archives marks the beginning of the new millennium, sharing images of celebrations from the last century.

Festive Reflections offers a glimpse of the more than 21 million historical and contemporary photographs preserved and made accessible by the National Archives. It contains some 40 photographic images reproduced from an array of archival photographs, glass and film negatives, slide transparencies and contact sheets. Festive Reflections illustrates the exchange of gifts, feasts, dance, music and theatrical performances which are expressions shared by many cultures in Canada during their winter celebrations. The festive events depicted often mark transitions between seasons and years, sometimes in difficult conditions  --  far from home or in the service of others. Come in out of the cold and warm up to these scenes of past celebrations of Christmas, Hanukkah, various New Years, carnivals and other winter activities, taken in a variety of settings across Canada.

Festive Reflections is open from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m., Wednesday through Sunday. For information, call (613) 992-2618. 

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For more information, please contact:

Pauline Portelance
Media Relations Officer
Telephone: (613) 996-6128
E-mail: media@lac-bac.gc.ca