1969 Cabinet - Communiqué - News & Events - Library and Archives Canada
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February 7, 2000

Official release of the 1969 Cabinet Conclusions and Documents

  • passing of the Official Languages Act
  • proposed Indian policy
  • ongoing labour unrest (Montreal police and firemen, Vancouver dock workers, Air Canada employees)
  • commission on the non-medicinal use of drugs (LeDain Commission)
  • discussion of site for the Montreal International Airport


    The National Archives of Canada is releasing the 1969 Cabinet Conclusions and Documents corresponding to the twentieth Ministry of the Right Honourable Pierre Elliott Trudeau, which lasted from 1968 to 1979.

    Subjects of interest include:

    • change in the role of National Defence and reduction in defence spending (closure of military bases)
    • withdrawal of troops from NATO
    • ongoing constitutional review
    • metric conversion
    • Arctic sovereignty - voyage of the Manhattan


    Wednesday, February 9, 2000
    9:00 a.m. - noon



    National Archives of Canada
    395 Wellington Street

    Room 129

    Ottawa, Ontario

    After this session, the documents will continue to be accessible for a period of two weeks in the main reading room of the National Archives. All media representatives will have to register for a research pass in the main lobby at the Information and Registration desk in order to consult them. The desk is open from 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Monday to Friday.

    For more information please contact:

    Pauline Portelance
    Media Relations Officer
    Telephone: (613) 996-6128
    E-mail: media@lac-bac.gc.ca