The National
Archives of Canada are pleased to announce that ArchiviaNet has
recently expanded to
include the General Inventory of fonds, collections and accessions
This comprehensive
research tool gives our on-line visitors web-access to high level
descriptions covering a significant portion of the archival holdings
of the
National Archives of Canada.
The launch of the
General Inventory is the culmination of a year-long effort to
transfer data from the automated system describing National Archives holdings
(MIKAN) to a web-based interface (ArchiviaNet). It also represents a huge
accomplishment by all the National Archives staff who have been
involved in
this sustained effort to implement control standards, create and
populate the
database with descriptions of our holdings.
This version of
the General Inventory offers a developing view of the National
Archives of Canada holdings. Its content will progressively expand to
include a more comprehensive view of government and private holdings
in all media.
In the case of government records, descriptions will be made available
in both official languages.
Questions or
The ArchiviaNet
team welcomes your feedback about the General Inventory.
Please address your comments to:
Instructions on
how to send a reference inquiry can be found in
the "Services to the Public"
section of the Web site.