Official release of the 1971 Cabinet Conclusions and Documents - News & Events - Library and Archives Canada
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1971 Cabinet Conclusions

May 31, 2002


Official release of the 1971 Cabinet Conclusions and Documents

The National Archives of Canada is releasing the 1971 Cabinet Conclusions and Documents of the Twentieth Ministry under the leadership of the Right Honourable Pierre Elliott Trudeau (1968-1979).
Subjects of interest include:

  • Constitutional Review and Victoria Charter
  • Unemployment/Economic Situation
  • Unemployment Insurance Reform
  • Tax Reform
  • Emergency Legislation
  • Home Oil/Foreign Ownership/Canadian Development
  • Corporation
  • White Paper on Defence
  • U.S. Economic Policy
  • Bilingualism/Multiculturalism
  • Aboriginal Policy

Wednesday, June 12, 2002, 9:00 a.m. to noon



National Archives of Canada
395 Wellington Street
Room 156
Ottawa, Ontario

After this session, members of the media may consult the documents in the main reading room of the Archives. To do so, they must obtain a research pass at the registration desk in the main lobby, open 8:30 a.m to 5:00 p.m. Monday to Friday.

The National Archives Web site has been revised and will be expanded to include Cabinet Conclusions from 1968 to 1971 available June 14 2002.

For more information please contact:

Michal Anne Crawley
(613) Telephone: (613) 992-9361