News Release2000-05 National Library of Canada Now Offers Toll-Free Telephone NumberOttawa, May 19, 2000 -- Roch Carrier, National Librarian, announced today that the National Library of Canada is pleased to offer Canadians a toll-free telephone number for general inquiries and reference service. This new number is 1-866-578-7777. With this toll-free telephone number, the services, staff and collections of the National Library are readily accessible to Canadians in all regions of the country. "The National Library is reaching out to all Canadians, inviting their calls and welcoming new opportunities to freely connect with them to meet their information needs. The National Library's doors are now wide open and welcoming," said Roch Carrier. With the arrival of the new toll-free telephone
service, Canadians now have several options to choose from to contact their National
Library, including fax 819-934-8333, The National Library of Canada is our nation's foremost resource for the study of Canada's published heritage, and now it is at the fingertips of all Canadians - just a phone call away. - 30 - For more information, please contact: Media Relations |