News Release2001-15 National Library of Canada Acquires Children’s Illustrations by Mohawk ArtistOttawa, June 21, 2001 - The National Library of Canada celebrates National Aboriginal Day by announcing the acquisition of illustrations from the children’s book Firedancers by C.J. Taylor, a Mohawk author and artist. C.J. Taylor is of Mohawk descent (on her father’s side); her father belonged to the Deer clan. She currently lives near the Kahnawake Reserve on the south shore of Montreal. The artist draws her inspiration to paint and write children’s books from the legends of various Aboriginal nations. Tundra Books has published nine of her books. Her books have been published in French and English, and some have been translated into several languages, including Swedish and Danish. A select bibliography of C.J. Taylor’s works can be found below. The acquisition includes 14 colour illustrations by C.J. Taylor from the book Firedancers (Stoddart Kids, Toronto, 1999). Jan Bourdeau Waboose of the Nishinawbe Ojibway Nation in northern Ontario wrote the text of the book. The author is a member of the Bear clan. Firedancers tells the story of a little girl who accompanies her grandmother Noko (Nokoomis means grandmother in Anishinawbe) to an island in order to perform a sacred dance. In front of a fire, they renew their connection with the "Firedancers" of the past, dancing all night long, tapping the ground with their moccasins. Using acrylic on paper, C.J Taylor paints colourful and captivating scenes depicting characters who live in harmony with nature. These illustrations will enrich the National Library of Canada’s collection of manuscripts and illustrations for children. Many renowned children’s artists, including, among others, Marie-Louise Gay, Janet Lunn, Robert Soulières, Eric Beddows and Ginette Anfousse, have already entrusted their works to the National Library of Canada. Illustrations and literary manuscripts complement the printed resources retained by the National Library in the area of Canadian studies. Thus, researchers and students can study unpublished documents in order to learn more about the creation of literary works. This initial acquisition of original works by an Aboriginal artist will promote more in-depth research and study into the area of the history of children’s literature in Canada. - 30 - Information: Josiane Polidori, Head, Pierre Ostiguy C.J. Taylor Bones in the basket : Native stories of the origin of people. Text and illustrations by C.J. Taylor. Toronto : Tundra Books, 1998, ©1994. Den hvide bøffels hemmelighed : en Oglala legende. Text and illustrations by C.J. Taylor; Danish translations by Hardy Overgaard. Gesten : OP-forlag, 1994. Des os dans un panier : légendes amérindiennes sur les origines du monde. Text and illustrations by C.J. Taylor; translation by Michèle Boileau. Montréal : Livres Toundra ; Orange, France : Grandir, 1994. Deux Plumes et la solitude disparue : une légende abénaquise. Text and illustrations by C.J. Taylor; translation by Michèle Boileau. Toronto : Livres Toundra Books, 2000, ©1990. Et le cheval nous a été donné : légendes amérindiennes sur la création. Text and illustrations by C.J. Taylor; translation by Michèle Boileau. Montréal : Livres Toundra, 1996. Firedancers. Text by Jan Bourdeau Waboose; illustrations by C.J. Taylor. Toronto : Stoddart Kids, 1999. The ghost and Lone Warrior : an Arapaho legend. Text and illustrations by C.J. Taylor. Toronto : Tundra Books, 1998. Guerrier-Solitaire et le fantôme : une legende arapaho. Text and illustrations by C.J. Taylor; translation by Michele Boileau. Montréal : Livres Toundra, 1991. How Two-Feather was saved from loneliness : an Abenaki legend. Text and illustrations by C.J. Taylor. Toronto : Tundra Books, 1998, ©1990. How we saw the world : nine Native stories of the way things began. Text and illustrations by C.J. Taylor. Toronto : Tundra Books, 1998. Hvordan To-Fjer kom ud af ensomheden : en Abenaki legende. Text and illustrations by C.J. Taylor. Gesten (Denmark) : OP-Forlag, 1993. Little Water and the gift of the animals : a Seneca legend. Text and illustrations by C.J. Taylor. Montréal : Tundra Books, 1992. The messenger of spring. Text and illustrations by C.J. Taylor. Toronto : Tundra Books, 1997. The monster from the swamp : Native legends of monsters, demons and other creatures. Text and illustrations by C.J. Taylor. Montréal : Tundra Books, 1995. Le monstre du marais. Text and illustrations by C.J. Taylor. Montréal : Livres Toundra, 1995. Petit Ruisseau et le don des animaux : une légende sénéca. Text and illustrations by C.J. Taylor; translation by Suzanne Lévesque. Toronto : Livres Toundra, 1997, ©1992. Sagan om Ensam och förfaderns ande : Indiansk legend. Text and illustrations by C.J. Taylor; Swedish translation by Johan Holmér. Stockholm : Carlsen, 1991. Le secret du bison blanc : une légende oglala. Text and illustrations by C.J. Taylor; translation by Michèle Boileau. Toronto : Livres Toundra, 1997, ©1993. The secret of the white buffalo : an Oglala legend. Text and illustrations by C.J. Taylor. |