Submission 0137-RUSSELL

Submitter: Mary Russell

Community: Port Hardy

Date Submitted: July 31, 2010

The commission's terms of reference, which preclude it from assigning blame, will prevent its recommendations from significantly altering either DFO's management philosophies or the destructive behaviour of the aquaculture industry.

For Prime Minister Harper to order that the Inquiry "attach no blame to any individual or organizaton", and that its Commissioner (the Hon Judge Cohen) "is to peform his duties without expressing any CONCLUSION OR RECOMMENDATION regarding the CIVIL or CRIMINAL LIABILITY of any person or organization", is like Sherlock Holmes not being permitted to conclude who was responsible for the murder, and thus it follows, neither punishment nor the remedy shall be applied to the crime.

If the DFO is shown to be direlect in its sworn first duty to protect and to conserve our wild fisheries, should it not be held to this sworn duty or suffer displacement?

If the Industry is shown by interconnecting evidence to be obfusticating the truth, hiding its disease records and outbreaks, dismissing the danger of escapees harming the wild resource, and to be dismissing the danger of new Norwegian fish virus ISA now hanging over BC like a drawn sword, should it not be required to "shape up or ship out" ??

Why is evey effort or means of reforming this currently destructive industry shafted in favor of the status quo continuing: that is, the hopelessly direlect DFO abetting the ruthless will of the industry to expand under current open netcage regimes??

If the industy does not go to closed containment onshore with a will to respect our wild fisheries, and if DFO continues to dismiss the greater benefit of our wild fisheries, they will be driven into darkness by the same DFO that anhilliated the East coast cod, and to this day excuses itself of blame.

Your Honor Judge Cohen, we MUST NOT let the status quo continue, and I do not believe the Terms of Reference in this Inquiry will allow or result in any significant changes to either DFOs direlect managment philosophies, nor the arrogant and destructive behaviour of the industry.

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Comment List

Name: priscilla judd

Date Created: August 10, 2010

I really hope Judge Cohen will do as was done in the Bravewood Inquiry - recognize the reasons why our planet is on the tipping point.

If the Oceans go - so do people.

One thing people can do is comment on the new DFO regulations for fish farms.
Comment time is running out but everyone - all citizens - even the people on the Commission are entitled to make comments and I hope they do since they have seen a lot of information on fish farms.

Will someone please post a link to the online gazette - fish farm regulations
Thank you