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Completed Mediations – Reports Released


Moosomin First Nation [1909 Reserve Land Surrender (Mediation)] - March 2004

March 2004

This claim deals with the 1909 surrender of Moosomin IR 112 and 112A, comprising approximately 25 square miles of fertile agricultural land (IR 112A was used as a joint hay reserve by both the Moosomin and Thunderchild First Nations). The bulk of the surrendered lands, located about 12 miles north and west of Battleford, Saskatchewan, were disposed of by auction in November 1909 and June 1910.

At the end of the 2001-2002 fiscal year, Canada’s newly appointed federal negotiator, reflecting a different approach to claims negotiation, requested and received an offer to settle from the First Nation. Following further negotiation, the parties agreed on a tentative settlement and Canada’s team began its internal work. Legal counsel for both Canada and the First Nation are continuing their work on the terms of the settlement and trust agreements. A ratification vote is expected to take place in summer or early fall 2003.

To Dowload Report