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Completed Mediations – Reports Released


Thunderchild First Nation [1908 Reserve Land Surrender (Mediation)] - March 2004

March 2004

This claim deals with the 1908 surrender of Thunderchild IR 115, 115A, and half of 112A, the latter being a joint hay reserve with the adjacent Moosomin IR 112. In total, Thunderchild’s interest in these reserves amounted to approximately 20,572 acres of fertile agriculture land. Initially brought to the Commission as a request for an inquiry, the claim soon moved into mediation, and by May 2002, an informal agreement had been reached on compensation and terms of settlement.

Since that time, legal counsel for Canada and the First Nation have finalized the terms of the settlement and trust agreements. In July 2003, the settlement agreement was initialled by Chief Delbert Wapass and Silas Halyk, the chief federal negotiator. The settlement was ratified by members of the Thunderchild First Nation in September 2003, and the Minister signed the settlement in October 2003. The settlement was implemented later that fall, providing $53 million in compensation to the Band. In addition, the First Nation was given the ability to acquire up to 5,000 acres of land within 15 years of the settlement, to be set apart as a reserve. The Commission published its mediation report in March 2004.

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