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Mistawasis First Nation [1911, 1917, 1919 Surrenders]

March 2002

This claim relates to issues concerning surrenders in 1911, 1917, and 1919. The First Nation claims that the surrenders were taken without a surrender meeting in violation of the Indian Act, that the Band did not fully understand the reasons for the surrender, and that the federal government breached its pre-surrender fiduciary obligations and the terms of Treaty 6.

The First Nation requested an inquiry in May 1998 and the Commission held a planning conference in January 1999. A community session was held in June 1999 and research was conducted. In June 2000, the First Nation's legal counsel informed the Commission that the First Nation and the government were engaged in discussions on a proposed settlement and asked that the inquiry be put in abeyance until further notice.

Response: The claim was accepted for negotiation and a settlement was reached in September 2001, providing the First Nation $16.3 million in compensation for damages and losses suffered as a result of the surrender. On March 27, 2002, the Commission signed off on its report regarding this inquiry.

Click Here for the Report