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Fort Pelly Agency (Cote, Keeseekoose and Key First Nations) [Pelly Haylands]

This claim involves 12,800 acres northeast of Regina, known as the Pelly Haylands, which were set aside as a reserve in 1893 for the Cote, Keeseekoose and Key First Nations. Canada accepted the claim for negotiation, acknowledging that it breached a lawful obligation by disposing of part of the Pelly Haylands in 1898 and 1905 without a surrender.

With the initial part of the 2004-2005 fiscal year spent on completing land appraisals and loss-of-use studies, the parties began discussing a compensation package in late summer. By November, a settlement amount had been agreed to at the table. The terms of the settlement agreement were successfully ratified in two of the three First Nations, with the third First Nation going to a second vote.