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Touchwood Agency Tribal Council [Mismanagement claim–compensation criteria]

Early in 1998, the Day Star, Fishing Lake, Gordon, Kawacatoose and Muskowekwan First Nations of the Touchwood Agency Tribal Council collectively submitted a claim to Canada alleging that their assets had been mismanaged by government agents from 1920 to 1924. This claim was accepted for negotiation in March 1998. Negotiations commenced, but eventually reached an impasse and came to a halt in March 2002.

In August 2003, the First Nations requested an inquiry into the application of compensation criteria. This request was accepted in September 2003. The Commission then attempted to obtain the necessary documentation and a list of issues from both parties, but disagreement regarding disclosure of documentation, the scope of the inquiry, and the Commission’s mandate led to an impasse. The First Nations are not being funded and the inquiry is not proceeding at this time.