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Home /Claimsmap /Quebec /Inquiries /Claims Within Inquiry Process /Wolf Lake First Nation [Reserve lands]

Wolf Lake First Nation [Reserve lands]

One of the few landless First Nations in Canada, Wolf Lake alleges that the federal government has not fulfilled its fiduciary duty or commitment to provide reserve lands. In January 2002, the First Nation requested that the ICC conduct an inquiry and the Commission accepted this request. In March 2002, however, the inquiry was placed in abeyance on the understanding that the Commission would facilitate Canada’s review of a revised claim submission.

A series of research meetings, planning conferences and conference calls, chaired by the Commission, were held through 2002, 2003 and into 2004. During this time the parties refined the scope of the evidence required and the issues in question, and established a joint statement of fact, all of which facilitated the writing of a new legal submission by the First Nation. This submission, presented in May 2004, is now under review by Canada.

To view the mediation/facilitation summary of this claim