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Status of Indian Claims Commission Reports, 1997-1998

Athabasca Chipewyan First Nation - W.A.C. Bennett Dam (Alberta) - Report recommended Canada negotiate claim; no response

Chippewa Tri-Council - Collins Treaty (Ontario) - Canada accepted claim for negotiation

Eel River Bar First Nation - Eel River Dam (New Brunswick) - Report recommended that Canada not accept the claim for negotiation

Friends of the Michel Society - Enfranchisment claim (Alberta) - Report recommended that Canada deal with this claim; no response

Qu'Appelle Valley Indian Development Authority - flooding (Saskatchewan) - Canada accepted the claims from six First Nations (Muscowpetung, Pasqua, Standing Buffalo, Sakimay, Cowessess, Ochapowace) for negotiation

Sturgeon Lake First Nation - argicultural lease - Canada accepted for negotiation

Sumas Indian Band - land surrender - Canada willing to explore possibility of joint research