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ICC Welcomes Move to Create Permanent Independent Claims Body

Ottawa (June 13, 2002) - Phil Fontaine, Chief Commissioner of the Indian Claims Commission (ICC), today issued the following statement in response to tabling of legislation by the Minister of Indian Affairs and Northern Development to create a new, independent specific land claims body:

My fellow Commissioners join me in commending the federal government - and specifically the Minister of Indian Affairs and Northern Development - for their decision to establish a permanent independent claims body to replace the Indian Claims Commission.

The Commission has urged the government to set up such a body for the past several years. The tabling of legislation to move forward with this important initiative is greatly encouraging to us. We believe it is the first step towards creating a fairer and more effective specific land claims process that will benefit both aboriginal and non-aboriginal Canadians.

We look forward to working together with both government and First Nations to help create the best possible process for settling land claims in a fair and expeditious manner.

The ICC was established in 1991. Its mandate is: to inquire, at the request of a First Nation, into specific claims that have been rejected by the federal government or where the First Nation disputes the compensation criteria being considered in negotiations; and to provide mediation services on consent of the parties at any stage of the claims process.