Gomery Commission / Commission Gomery

News Release

March 11, 2004 (Ottawa): Mr. Justice H. Gomery has appointed Guy Cournoyer to act as Associate Commission Counsel to the Commission of Inquiry into the Sponsorship Program and Advertising Activities.

Mr. Cournoyer is a partner at the Montreal law firm of Shadley Battista, (S.E.N.C., and has extensive experience in criminal, disciplinary and military law. He served as Associate Legal Counsel for the Commission of Inquiry into Certain Events at the Prison for Women at Kingston and as Legal Counsel for the Commission of Inquiry responsible for the investigation of La Sûreté du Québec.

Mr. Justice Gomery was named Commissioner under Part 1 of the Inquiries Act. He will conduct an independent public inquiry into questions surrounding the government's sponsorship and advertising activities as outlined in the Auditor General's report released on February 10, 2004.

The Commissioner recently appointed Sheila-Marie Cook to act as Executive Director and Secretary of the Commission. Mrs. Cook is currently establishing offices and operations for the Commission in Ottawa and Montreal. Mr. Bernard Roy, Q.C., was appointed to act as lead Counsel to the Commission. A senior partner at the Montreal law firm of Ogilvy Renault, Mr. Roy is currently preparing the legal, research and investigative activities of the Commission. Mr. Neil Finkelstein was appointed Co-Counsel to the Commission. Mr. Finkelstein is a senior partner at the Toronto law firm of Blake, Cassels & Graydon.


For further information contact:

Sheila-Marie Cook
(613) 992-1834

P.O. Box 1388, Station "B", Ottawa, Ontario / C.P. 1388, succursale "B", Ottawa (Ontario)
K1P 5R4
(613) 992-1834  Fax / télécopieur (613) 992-2373