Gomery Commission / Commission Gomery

Media Notice

June 7, 2004 (Ottawa): Pursuant to Articles 2 and 3 of its Rules of Procedure and Practice, the Commission of Inquiry into the Sponsorship Program and Advertising Activities has received, as of May 31, 2004, applications for standing. To view the list of applications for standing, please consult the Public Notice (June 7) on the Commission's web site at: www.gomery.ca.

Public hearings on standing will be held from June 21 to 23, 2004, at the Government Conference Centre, Main Hall, 2 Rideau Street, Ottawa, Ontario. The Commission will hear representations for standing, at which time the parties' applications will be made public.

The Commissioner's decisions on standing will be announced on July 5, 2004.


For further information contact:

François Perreault
(613) 230-2220, ext. 225

P.O. Box 1388, Station "B", Ottawa, Ontario / C.P. 1388, succursale "B", Ottawa (Ontario)
K1P 5R4
(613) 992-1834  Fax / télécopieur (613) 992-2373