Gomery Commission / Commission Gomery

Press Release
Justice John H. Gomery to Consult Canadians

25 August 2005, Ottawa: Mr. Justice John H. Gomery today officially launched the consultation part of his mandate. In Phase II: the Recommendations, Canadians are invited to share their views with the Commissioner through the Commission's website or through written submissions. In addition, a series of roundtables will be held in five regions of the country. The Commissioner will be supported in this task by the Advisory Committee he appointed in June chaired by Raymond Garneau.

The Order in Council establishing the Commission of Inquiry into the Sponsorship Program and Advertising Activities authorizes the Commissioner to conduct consultations in relation to formulating the recommendations.

"In my final report, I plan to propose some solutions to ensure clearer accountability between the executive and the administrative arms of government" said Commissioner Gomery. "In doing this, I recognize the importance of seeking out public input from across Canada in order to reflect regional perspectives and views on the key issues that have been raised in this public inquiry."

Public Input

A consultation paper highlighting the questions and issues that Justice Gomery would like public input on is now posted on the Commission's website at www.gomery.ca. All Canadians are invited to offer comments and suggestions. Those without website access can write to the Commission at: P.O. Box 1388, Station "B", Ottawa, Ontario K1P 5R4 or telephone (613) 992-1834.

Call for Submissions

Any individual, group or organization, including any government organization, wishing to make a written submission is invited to do so by October 28, 2005. A discussion paper containing the questions to be addressed is available on the Commission's website at www.gomery.ca or by contacting the Commission at 613-992-1834 or at the above address.

Expert Roundtables

A series of roundtables are planned in five regions across Canada. These working sessions will bring together former parliamentarians and government officials, academics, subject experts and technical specialists who will discuss the issues under review by the Commission. Roundtables will be held in the following locations:

August 31 - Moncton, NB
September 14 - Quebec City, QC
October 5 - Toronto, ON
October 19 - Edmonton, AB
October 20 - Vancouver, BC

Research Program

A research program is currently underway under the direction of Professor Donald Savoie of the University of Moncton. Prof. Savoie is the Commission's Director of Research. A series of technical studies have been commissioned and are expected to be finalized by the end of August. These studies will be reviewed and utilized by the Advisory Committee as part of their advice to the Commissioner.

Further information on the Commission and its Terms of Reference can be found on the Commission's website (www.gomery.ca).


For further information, please contact:

François Perreault
Communications Advisor
Tel.: (613) 992-1834/ (514) 992-1363

P.O. Box 1388, Station "B", Ottawa, Ontario / C.P. 1388, succursale "B", Ottawa (Ontario)
K1P 5R4
(613) 992-1834  Fax / télécopieur (613) 992-2373